(A)   Impoundment. It shall be the duty of the authorized agent of the town or any town police officer, while on duty, to seize all dogs found running at large upon any unfenced lot, tract or parcel of land within the corporate limits of the town, whether in the immediate presence of the owner or custodian or otherwise, and the authorized agent of the town or town police officer is hereby authorized to enter upon any unfenced lot, tract or parcel of land for the purpose of seizing and impounding any dog running at large thereon.
   (B)   Application for release of dog.
      (1)   If any animal control officer has probable cause to believe a dog is vicious or dangerous, or is a threat to the health, safety or welfare of any person, livestock or other animals, the officer may seize and impound said dog. Upon impoundment, the animal’s owner may make application to the Municipal Court for release of the dog.
      (2)   If application is made, the animal shall be held until the Municipal Court renders a decision determining that the animal is not vicious or dangerous, or that the owner has complied with the requirements of O.S. Title 4, §§ 44 et seq. The owner shall pay a holding fee of $5 per day and any other licensing and vaccination fees applicable hereunder.
   (C)   Notice of impoundment; disposal.
      (1)   Licensed dogs.
         (a)   After the impounding of any licensed dog, the owner, if known, shall be notified. If not redeemed within five days from the date of impounding, said dog may be disposed of by destruction.
         (b)   If any dog captured by any authorized agent of the town is wearing a town license, every attempt will be made to contact the owner to retrieve the dog before impoundment penalties apply, unless the dog has already been captured multiple times.
      (2)   Unlicensed dogs. If there is no license tag for the current year attached to any dog impounded, and such dog has not been redeemed by its owner within five days from the time of impounding, such dog shall be disposed of by sale, adoption or destruction.
   (D)   Redemption and disposal fees.
      (1)   The owner of any licensed dog impounded may redeem such dog at any time prior to destruction by the payment of $25, plus $5 a day for each day, including the day of impoundment. The owner of any dog that is destroyed, whether by request, necessity or violation, shall pay a fee of $20 per dog.
      (2)   The owner of any unlicensed dog impounded may redeem such dog at any time prior to destruction by the payment of $25, plus $5 a day for each day the dog was in the pound. The owner will pay an additional fee for a rabies vaccination voucher to be redeemed at the Seiling Vet Clinic. Upon presenting this voucher to the Seiling Vet Clinic, the clinic has agreed to provide rabies shots at no additional cost to the dog owner. The owner of any dog that is destroyed, whether by request, necessity or violation, shall pay a fee of $20 per dog.
(Prior Code, § 6-3-6-6) (Ord. 2007-4, passed 10-9-2007; Ord. 2021-5, passed 9-20-2021) Penalty, see § 91.99