(A)   Any person may kill a vicious or dangerous animal in his or her self-defense, or in defense of another, or in defense of his or her personal property, or in defense of an animal belonging to him or her.
   (B)   If any dog within the town which shall bite, scratch or otherwise attack any person, if the person so attacked was not at the time trespassing upon the property of the owner or person having control of such dog or if it cannot be proved beyond a reasonable doubt that the person so attacked was provoking or teasing such dog, the Municipal Court of the town shall have the authority to order and hold a hearing, and if the Court shall determine at such hearing that such dog is vicious or dangerous to persons or other animals, the Court may order that such dog be muzzled, or that such dog be kept within a sufficient enclosure, or that such dog be delivered to the authorized agent of the town to be destroyed thereby.
(Prior Code, § 6-3-6-5; Ord. 2023-1, passed 1-9-2023) Penalty, see § 91.99