If a notice is given by the town’s Board of Trustees to a property owner ordering the property within the town limits to be cleaned of trash and weeds or grass to be cut or mowed in accordance with the procedures provided in § 90.21 of this chapter, any subsequent accumulations of trash or excessive weed or grass growth on the property occurring within a six-month period may be declared to be a nuisance and may be summarily abated without further prior notice to the property owner. At the time of each such summary abatement, the town shall notify the property owner of the abatement and the costs thereof. The notice shall state that the property owner may request a hearing within ten days after the date of mailing the notice. The notice and hearing shall be as provided in § 90.21 of this chapter. Unless otherwise determined at the hearing, the cost of such abatement shall be determined and collected as provided in § 90.21(E) of this chapter. This section shall not apply if the records of the County Clerk show that the property was transferred after notice was given pursuant to § 90.21 of this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 5-2-1-3)