The following rules shall govern the sanitary plumbing for connecting houses and other users of the sewer with the public sewers of the town.
   (A)   Compliance with Plumbing Code. Except as may be otherwise specifically provided by law or ordinance, the plumbing and drainage system of a building or structure shall be installed in conformity with the Plumbing Code adopted by the town.
   (B)   Separate building sewers. Each building shall be separately and independently connected with the street sewer when one is provided. If there is no sewer in the street or alley, a private sewer may be constructed when plans for the same are approved by the town’s Public Works Authority.
   (C)   Permit to connect; fees and costs. The property owners connecting with and tapping any sewer line with the town shall first make application to the town’s Public Works Authority for permission to do so, and shall pay the town’s Public Works Authority a fee of $75 for old line and $75 for new line. The property owner shall dig all ditches, furnish and lay all lateral lines and leave the ditches open until the same are inspected and approved. Then, the ditches shall be immediately filled.
   (D)   Location of connection designated.
      (1)   Upon granting of the permit as aforesaid, a notice, in writing, of at least 24 hours shall be given by the plumber or other person to the inspector requesting him or her to designate the location where connection or junctions are desired to be made to said main, district or lateral sewer, and it shall be the duty of the inspector to give the location of all junctions with which such connections are permitted to be made, and no connection shall be made to any main or lateral sewer at any other point, except at the point designated by the inspector; provided that, the town shall, in no case, be liable for a failure on the part of the inspector to locate such junctions exactly.
      (2)   It shall also be the duty of the plumber to notify the Fire Department of any street or alley blocked off when same is closed to traffic. Such notice shall be given before sunset of the day the street or alley is so blocked.
   (E)   Supervision of connection. It shall be the duty of the inspector to superintend the making or building of the connections to such main, district or lateral sewer and to see that proper material is used and that proper connections are made in a good and workmanlike manner as provided herein.
   (F)   Necessity of breaking into sewer. Whenever it is necessary, on account of the absence of junctions, or for any other reason, to break into a sewer constructed of vitrified clay pipe, the inspector shall have the power to determine the manner of making the connection, and his or her permission shall first be obtained, and all of such work shall invariably be done under the supervision of the inspector. The property owner shall pay the expense incurred thereby.
   (G)   Restoration of excavated area.
      (1)   When any person builds or constructs any main or lateral sewer, the plumber building or making the connection with main or lateral sewer in any street, alley, avenue or any public place in the town shall replace the earth removed in excavating for any main or lateral sewer, or making any connections therewith, and shall tamp the earth as it is replaced in such ditch in such a manner and to the extent directed by the Street Superintendent or Director of Public Works.
      (2)   Within 48 hours after the completion of the ditch in any alley, street, avenue, lane or other public place in the town, for the purpose of building and constructing main or lateral sewers or making connection therewith, the ditch or opening shall be filled, and the earth tamped therein, as aforesaid, and such street, alley, avenue, lane or other public place shall be put in as good condition by such person or plumber at his or her own expense for a period of 30 days.
      (3)   Water shall be freely added after the first fill.
   (H)   Safety and warning devices. Every sewer builder or plumber shall enclose any opening or excavation he or she may make in any public street, alley, avenue, lane or any of the public places with good and sufficient barriers not less than three feet high, and shall maintain red light danger signals from sunset to sunrise, which lights shall be placed on each end of the opening and at such places as may be designated by the Street Superintendent or Director of Public Works, and such persons shall be held personally liable for any and all damages to persons or property resulting from negligence in maintaining such barriers and signals or in any manner resulting from building and construction for such sewer, lateral or private drain.
   (I)   Prohibited discharges into system. It is unlawful to allow any surface water to overflow from any cistern, reservoir or receptacle to be connected with any main or lateral sewer, or to allow any oil, dirt, garbage, ashes, refuse, rags, cinders or any other matter or thing whatsoever, except human excrement and toilet paper and liquid slops, to be deposited into any receptacle or depository connected with such sewer.
(Prior Code, § 9-2B-3) Penalty, see § 52.99