(A)   Secondary sources generally.
      (1)   No service may be allowed from the town water mains to any premises supplied by water from any other source unless the other source is discontinued and the Board of Trustees grants permission and the Board of Trustees may terminate such permission at any time. The Board of Trustees shall have the power to prescribe reasonable regulations for the use of water from another source on premises that has a connection with the town water system.
      (2)   It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to cause a connection to be made or to allow one to exist for any purpose whatsoever between the town water supply and any other source of supply. Every person, firm or corporation having any other source of water supply upon his or its premises is required to make a customer’s declaration of non-existence of cross-connection upon a form supplied by the Water Department before he or it shall be permitted to obtain or continue the use of water from the town water system.
      (3)   Town water shall be discontinued upon any premises upon which there is found to be a connection between the town water supply and another water supply, and such service shall not be restored until such cross-connection has been discontinued.
   (B)   Use of water wells.
      (1)   No person shall have the right to drill any water well within the limits of the town for any purpose other than for lawn and garden irrigation; provided, however, in the event a person shall desire to drill a water well for purposes other than lawn and garden irrigation and the town and/or authority is unwilling or unable for any reason to provide said person a supply of water commensurate with the needs of that person, said person shall make application to the state for the drilling and use of a water well for purposes other than lawn and garden irrigation and upon a showing to the town’s Board of Trustees and authority that the drilling and use of the water well will not jeopardize or otherwise interfere with the water supply of the town. The application may, in the discretion of the Board of Trustees, be granted; provided, however, that at such time as the town and/or authority is able and willing to provide said person water, the town and/or authority may require said person to tie into the water main of the town and to plug and abandon the well used by said person.
      (2)   No person shall have the right to drill a water well for domestic use, except when the town main lines are not available to said person, in which event, said person shall have the right to drill and use a water well for domestic purposes only after proper application has been made, approved and a permit for the use thereof has been issued by a competent jurisdiction. At any time that a person, firm or corporation is connected to the town’s sanitary sewer system, said person, firm or corporation may not be allowed to use water well water for any other purpose than lawn and garden irrigation.
(Prior Code, § 9-1-8) Penalty, see § 10.99