(A)   It is unlawful for any person, other than a duly authorized officer or employee of the Water Department, to alter, change or in any manner interfere or tamper with the water meter in use by any consumer or with any other equipment used by the town in operation of the water system.
   (B)   All main valves throughout the entire water system are for the exclusive use of the town in making repairs, extensions and other improvements, and no person, under any circumstances, shall use or tamper with them without the written consent of the town official. All fire hydrants and public hydrants of any kind are directly under the control of the town. Any person who tampers with or secures water from any of these places in any other way than that for which they are intended is guilty of an offense and shall be punishable accordingly.
   (C)   It is unlawful for any person to loiter around, climb upon or tamper in any way with the water tower, pressure tank, pumping station, filter plant or other property which is a part of the water plant. No person shall loiter about the reservoir or drainage canals, climb upon the dam, hunt, fish, use boats on or bathe or wade in the reservoirs or drainage canals, except as provided by ordinance. Any party or parties guilty of such shall be punishable accordingly upon conviction.
(Prior Code, § 9-1-7) Penalty, see § 10.99