1.   Every owner of a dwelling containing two (2) or more dwelling units shall maintain the shared or public areas of such dwelling and premises thereof in a clean and sanitary condition, unless agreed to in writing as the occupant’s responsibility.
   2.   Every window, exterior door and hatchway or similar device shall be reasonably watertight and weather-tight and shall be kept in working condition and good repair. During that portion of the year when there is a need for protection against mosquitoes, flies and other flying insects, every window opening directly from a dwelling unit to outside space must have properly fitted screens supplied. Every operative window or other device which opens to outdoor space required to be used for ventilation shall be supplied with screens, except such screens shall not be required when air conditioning supplies ventilation.
   3.   Every foundation, roof, floor, exterior and interior wall, ceiling inside, stair, porch, handrail, and guardrail thereto shall be safe to use and capable of supporting the loads of that normal use may cause to be thereon; and they shall be kept in sound conditions and good repair.
   4.   The street address numbers shall be visible on the outside of each building and the unit number shall be placed on or directly adjacent to each dwelling unit entry door.
   5.   Means of Egress
      A.   Exit signs operational. (3-unit apartment and above)
      B.   Exit lights operational. (3-unit apartment and above)
      C.   Accessible exterior doors and windows lockable and secure.
      D.   Self-closing doors functional. (3-unit apartment and above)
   6.   Fire Protective Equipment.
      A.   Fire extinguishers must be fully charged.
      B.   Smoke detectors must be operational.
      C.   Carbon Monoxide detectors must be operational.
      D.   Fire alarms systems must be operational if a fire alarm system is required. Activation of the systems or an annual certificate from a qualified, third-party testing agency stating the system is operational are the two options of proving the system will function as designed. (3-unit apartment and above)
      E.   Sprinkler systems must be operational if a sprinkler system is required. An annual certificate from a qualified, third-party testing agency shall be provided to the Designated Official.
   7.   Electrical Systems. The electrical system of every dwelling or accessory structure shall not; by reason of overloading, dilapidation, lack of insulation, improper fusing, or for any other cause; expose the occupant to hazards of electrical shock or fire, and every electrical outlet switch, and fixture shall be complete as manufactured and maintained in good and safe conditions. All electrical wiring newly installed or replaced shall be in compliance with the National Electrical Code.
   8.   Plumbing System. Every supplied plumbing fixture, water piping, and waste piping shall be maintained in good and sanitary conditions. All plumbing shall be designed as to prevent contamination of the water supply through backflow, back siphonage, or cross-connection. All plumbing newly installed or replaced shall be in compliance with the Uniform Plumbing Code.
   9.   Pest Elimination. Whenever infestation exists in two (2) or more dwelling units or rooming units of any dwelling containing two (2) or more dwelling units or more than one rooming unit, the extermination thereof shall be the responsibility of the owner unless provided otherwise in the lease.
   10.   Every facility, utility and piece of equipment required by this Code and/or present in the unit and/or designated for the exclusive use by the occupants of said unit, at the time that either the rental agreement is signed, or possession is given, shall function safely and shall be maintained in proper working condition. Maintenance of facilities, utilities and equipment not required by this Code shall be the owner’s responsibility unless stated to the contrary in the rental agreement.
   11.   All interior or exterior property improvement, fixtures or remodeling projects affixed to or permanently affecting the property must be reviewed, authorized and approved by the property owner or any authorized agent for location, type, size, quantity, and impact on the property. If a building permit is required, the applicant must provide as part of the building permit submission process written proof of approval of the project plans by the property owner or any authorized agent.
   12.   Property owners are responsible for compliance with any zoning code requirements including but not limited to property uses, fencing and accessory structures.
   13.   If determined by the Code Inspector to be necessary for the building permit review, the applicant is responsible for locating the property lines.
(Ord. 730 - Dec. 22 Supp.)