1.   Authority. The Building Official, Compliance Officer and/or their designee (hereinafter “Designated Official”) are hereby authorized to administer and enforce the provisions of the Rental Code in compliance with Chapter 364.17 of the Iowa Code, and make inspections to determine the condition of all dwellings, dwelling units, rooming units, structures, and premises located within the City, in order that they may perform their duty of safeguarding the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of dwellings and of the general public under the provisions of the Code, enforce the provisions of this chapter and are hereby authorized and directed to make inspections pursuant to or in response to a proper service request with regard to alleged violation of the provisions of this chapter or of applicable rules or regulations pursuant thereto.
   2.   Inspections. Inspections of Owner-Occupied Dwellings, Single-Family Dwellings. Inspections of owner-occupied single-family dwellings shall occur only upon request by the owner or occupant to the City inspector and only the standards of Section 158.07 shall be applicable.
   3.   Inspection cycles – letters of compliance shall be issued for terms of one, three, or five years, shall expire at the end of those terms, and shall not be renewed without an inspection. The period shall be determined by the Building Official based on the following criteria:
      A.   One Year
         (1)   all dwellings in which a verified incident of over-occupancy occurred during the previous year;
         (2)   all dwellings which, due to a documented history of neglect and lack of maintenance require additional inspections to obtain compliance.
         (3)   all dwellings in which life safety violations, including broken/inoperable doors, ceiling, wall and floor penetrations have been found during the previous year
      B.   Three Year
         (1)   all dwellings which are found to have minor code violations (of a cosmetic rather than life safety nature) which are found to be corrected at the first reinspection;
         (2)   all multiple family dwellings not equipped automatic fire sprinkler protection.
      C.   Five Year
         (1)   all single-family dwellings with no code violations at the time of initial inspection;
         (2)   all multiple family dwellings with no code violations at the time of initial inspection and which are equipped with automatic fire sprinkler protection throughout.
   4.   No Housing Inspector shall inspect a property that the Inspector has financial interest in, or which is owned by someone related to the Inspector.
   5.   Rental property owners or local authorized agents shall be present for each rental inspection.
(Ord. 730 - Dec. 22 Supp.)