This section contains a listing of abbreviations and acronyms used throughout the Zoning Code.
ADA =    Americans with Disabilities Act
CFR =    Code of Federal Ordinances
DU =      Dwelling Unit
EPA =      Environmental Protection Agency
IDNR=    Iowa Department of Natural Resources
FAA =      Federal Aviation Administration
FCC =    Federal Communication Commission
FEMA =    Federal Emergency Management Agency
GFA =    Gross Floor Area
HUD =   US Department of Housing and Urban Development
KV =       Kilovolt
KW =       Kilowatt
IDOT=      Iowa Department of Transportation
NPDES =    National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
NRCS =   Natural Resources Conservation Service
USC =    United States Code
USACE =   United States Army Corps of Engineers
USDA =    United States Department of Agriculture