(A)   A person driving a motor vehicle shall not knowingly possess in a motor vehicle upon a public street or highway an open or unsealed bottle, can, jar or other receptacle containing an alcoholic beverage, wine or beer while the motor vehicle is upon a public street or highway.
   (B)   Evidence that an open or unsealed receptacle containing an alcoholic beverage, wine or beer was found during an authorized search in the glove compartment, utility compartment, console, front passenger seat or any unlocked portable device and within the immediate reach of the driver while the motor vehicle is upon a public street or highway is evidence from which the court or jury may infer that the driver intended to consume the alcoholic beverage, wine or beer while upon the public street or highway if the inference is supported by corroborative evidence. However, an open or unsealed receptacle containing an alcoholic beverage, wine or beer may be transported at any time in the trunk of the motor vehicle or in some other area of the interior of the motor vehicle not designed or intended to be occupied by the driver and not readily accessible to the driver while the motor vehicle is in motion.
(Ord. 123-12.26, passed 1-8-1989)