The powers and duties of the Clerk-Treasurer are to:
   (A)   Attend all regular and special Council meetings and prepare and publish a condensed statement of the proceedings thereof, to include the total expenditure from each city fund. The statement shall further include a list of all claims allowed, a summary of all receipts and the gross amount of the claims;
   (B)   Record each measure taken by the Council, stating, where applicable, whether the Mayor signed, vetoed or took no action on the measure and what action the Council made upon the Mayor’s veto;
   (C)   Cause to be published all ordinances and amendments enacted by the Council and authenticate all such measures except ordinary motions with his or her signature, certifying the time and place of publication when required;
   (D)   Maintain copies of all effective city ordinances and codes for public use;
   (E)   Publish notice of public hearings and other official actions as required by state and city law;
   (F)   Certify all measures establishing any zoning district, building lines or fire limits and a plat showing each district, lines or limits to the County Recorder;
   (G)   Be the chief accounting officer of the city;
   (H)   Keep separate accounts for every appropriation, department, public improvement or undertaking, and for every public utility owned or operated by the city. Each account shall be kept in the manner required by law;
   (I)   Following Council adoption of the budget, shall certify the necessary tax levy for the following year to the County Auditor and the County Board of Supervisors;
   (J)   Report to the Council at the first meeting of each month the status of each municipal account as of the end of the previous month;
   (K)   Immediately upon receipt of money to be held in his or her custody and belonging to the city deposit the money in the bank selected by the Council in the amount not exceeding the monetary limits set by the Council;
   (L)   Prepare the annual public report, publish it and send a certified copy to the State Auditor and other state officers as required by law;
   (M)   Maintain all city records as required by law;
   (N)   Have custody and be responsible for the safekeeping of all writings or documents in which the city is a party in interest unless otherwise specifically directed by law or ordinance;
   (O)   File and preserve all receipts, vouchers and other documents kept, or that may be required to be kept, necessary to prove the validity of every transaction and the identity of every person having any beneficial relation thereto;
   (P)   Furnish upon request to any municipal officer a copy of any record, paper or public document under his or her control when it may be necessary to such officer in the discharge of his or her duty. He or she shall furnish a copy to any citizen when requested upon payment of the fee set by Council resolution. He or she shall, under the direction of the Mayor or other authorized officer, affix the seal of the corporation to those public documents or instruments which by ordinance are required to be attested by the affixing of the seal;
   (Q)   Attend all meetings of committees, boards and commissions of the city. He or she shall record and preserve a correct record of the proceedings of such meetings;
   (R)   Keep and file all communications and petitions directed to the Council or to the city generally. He or she shall endorse thereon the action of the Council taken upon matters considered in such communications and petitions;
   (S)   Issue all licenses and permits approved by the Council and keep a record of licenses and permits issued which shall show date of issuance, license or permit number, official receipt number, name of person to whom issued, term of license or permit and purpose for which issued;
   (T)   Inform all persons appointed by the Mayor or Council to offices in the city government of their position and the time at which they are to assume the duties of their office;
   (U)   Record in the minutes the abstract of voting for every city election, regular or special, as received from the Commissioner of Elections, and perform any duties required of the Clerk-Treasurer under state law in regard to elections;
   (V)   Draw all warrants/checks approved by or otherwise authorized by the Council;
   (W)   Show on every warrant/check the fund on which it is drawn and the claim to be paid;
   (X)   Bill and collect all charges, rents or fees due the city for utility and other services and give a receipt therefor;
   (Y)   Perform the duty of purchasing all goods, materials and supplies needed by the city. He or she shall enter into consultations with city officers and the Council to determine needs for the city, formulate the technical and financial aspects of bids to be drawn up by the City Attorney, submit contracts for municipal needs to the Council for approval and authorization, advertise for bids on the basis of the contracts drawn up by the City Attorney and enforce quality standards for goods purchased; and
   (Z)   Maintain an inventory of all city property.
(Ord. 112-6, passed 7-8-1975; Ord. 112-7, passed 7-8-1975)