§ 4.16 MAYOR.
   The powers and duties of the Mayor are to:
   (A)   Supervise all departments of the city and give direction to department heads concerning functions of the departments. He or she shall have the power to examine all functions of the municipal departments, their records and to call for special reports from department heads at any time;
   (B)   Act as presiding officer at all regular and special Council meetings. The Mayor pro tem shall serve in this capacity in the Mayor’s absence;
   (C)   Sign, veto or take no action on an ordinance, amendment or resolution passed by the Council. If he or she vetoes a measure, he or she must explain the reason for such veto in writing to the Council. The Council may re-pass a measure over the Mayor’s veto by a two-thirds majority of the Council members present in accordance with state law;
   (D)   Make appropriate provision that duties of any absentee officer be carried on during his or her absence;
   (E)   Represent the city in all negotiations properly entered into in accordance with law or ordinance. He or she shall not represent the city where this duty is specifically delegated to another officer by law or ordinance;
   (F)   Whenever authorized by the Council, sign all contracts on behalf of the city;
   (G)   Call special meetings of the City Council when he or she deems such meetings necessary to the interests of the city;
   (H)   Make such oral or written reports to the City Council at the first meeting of every month as deemed advisable. These reports shall concern municipal affairs generally and recommendations suitable for Council action;
   (I)   Annually prepare and submit to the Council an itemized budget of revenues and expenditures in the form specified by state regulations;
   (J)   Immediately after taking office, the Mayor shall designate one member of the City Council as Mayor pro tempore. The Mayor pro tempore shall be Vice President of the Council. Except for the limitations otherwise provided herein, the Mayor pro tempore shall perform the duties of the Mayor in cases of absence or inability of the Mayor to perform his or her duties. In the exercise of the duties of his or her office, the Mayor pro tempore shall not have power to employ or discharge from employment officers or employees that the Mayor has the power to appoint, employ or discharge except with approval of Council. The Mayor pro tempore shall have the right to vote as a member of the Council;
   (K)   Upon order of the Council, secure for the city such specialized and professional services not already available to the city. In executing the order of the Council, he or she shall conduct himself or herself in accordance with the city ordinances and the laws of the state;
   (L)   Sign all licenses and permits which have been granted by the Council except those designated by law or ordinance to be issued by another city officer;
   (M)   Upon authorization of the Council, revoke a permit or license granted by the Council when the terms, the ordinances of the city or the laws of the state are violated by the holder of the permit or license; and
   (N)   Order to be removed, at public expense, any nuisance for which no person can be found responsible and liable. This order shall be in writing. The order to remove the nuisances shall be carried out by the Marshal or other authorized officer.
(Ord. 112-5, passed 7-8-1975)