(A)   When a landowner has completed the proper repairs, replacement or cleaning out of a culvert as ordered, he or she shall notify the city in writing of such completion in order that the city may inspect the culvert to see that the proper repairs, reconstruction or cleaning out has been completed.
   (B)   If the owner of the private driveway under which a culvert is located and whose real estate is benefited by the private driveway fails to replace, clean out, repair or maintain the culvert in a proper manner for adequate drainage, the city will construct and/or make such repairs and alterations or will contract the same through a private contractor. The costs of such replacement, repairs, cleaning out or alteration shall be charged to the owner of the abutting land benefited by the driveway. After making the assessment of the costs, including mailing a bill for the assessment to the landowner, if not paid within 30 days of billing, the Clerk-Treasurer shall certify the costs to the County Auditor for collection and assessment against the real estate abutting the street which is benefited by the driveway over the culvert so replaced, repaired or cleaned out.
(Ord. 118-8, passed 6-5-1978)