(A) Any person owning a dog shall confine it from running at large.
(B) It is the duty of every person owning a dog to have it restrained at all times and to:
(1) Confine the dog by good and sufficient means;
(2) Cause the dog to be under the control of a person competent to restrain and control the dog, either by leash, cord, chain or other similar restraint of sufficient strength and not more than six feet in length;
(3) Properly restrain in a motor vehicle or house in a veterinary hospital or registered kennel; or
(4) Maintain control of the dog by obedience beside or “at heel” under the directions of a competent person.
(C) A muzzled dog shall not be deemed to have been restrained unless the above conditions are also met.
(Ord. 123-22.08, passed 1-9-1989)
(A) It is unlawful to keep within the city either a vicious animal or wild animal.
(B) For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
ANIMAL. Any animate being which is endowed with the power of voluntary motion, excluding humans. It is used in the broad sense to include birds, fish, reptiles and insects in addition to those being generally considered as ANIMALS in common usage.
VICIOUS ANIMAL. An animal possessed of some bad or dangerous habit, but not descriptive of any specific falling. The animal can be an individual of a vicious species or a vicious individual of a harmless species.
WILD ANIMAL. An animal which is not by custom devoted to the service of humankind at the time and in the place in which it is kept.
(Ord. 123-22.10, passed 1-8-1989)