Kennel dogs which are kept or raised solely for the bona fide purpose of sale and which are kept under constant restraint are not subject to the provisions of this subchapter, except §§ 22.05 through 22.07, inclusive. For the purpose of this section, a KENNEL is a premises on which four or more dogs, six months old or older, are kept. Such a kennel shall possess a current applicable license from the state and comply with Iowa Code Chapter 162 and all regulations issued thereunder.
(Ord. 119-23.04, passed 10-10-1983)
It is unlawful:
(A) For an owner of a dog to allow or permit his or her dog to pass upon the premises of another thereby causing damage to, or interference with, the premises;
(B) For an owner of a dog to allow or permit such dog to cause serious annoyance or disturbance to any person or persons by frequent and habitual howling, yelping, barking or otherwise; or by running after or chasing persons, bicycles, automobiles or other vehicles; and/or
(C) For an owner of a dog to permit his or her dog to be at large when it is known to have bitten a person without provocation.
(Ord. 119-230-6, passed 10-10-1983)
(A) Any unvaccinated dog found at large or any licensed dog found at large in violation of any provision of § 22.05 shall be seized and impounded, or, at the discretion of the Marshal, the owner may be served a uniform citation to appear before a proper court to answer charges made thereunder.
(B) The owner of a licensed dog shall be notified within two days that upon payment of an impounding fee plus the cost of food and care in a reasonable amount, as set from time to time by Council resolution, the dog will be returned. If an impounded licensed dog is not recovered by its owner within seven days after notice, the dog shall be disposed of by humane means or by sale to a new owner who complies with this subchapter.
(C) (1) Impounded, unlicensed dogs may be recovered by the owner upon proper identification and arrangement for vaccination and licensing and upon payment of impounding costs.
(2) If such dogs are not claimed within seven days after impounding, they shall be disposed of by the Marshal by humane means or sale to a new owner who complies with this subchapter.
(Ord. 119-230-7(1), passed 10-10-1983; Ord. 122-22.07(2), passed 1-9-1989; Ord. 123-22.07(3), passed 1-9-1989)