Pursuant to §§ 2.25, 2.26, 2.30, and 2.53 of the Uniform Traffic Code for Michigan Cities, Townships, and Villages, being duly adopted and made a part of this code, November 6, 1959, and the revisions and amendments, stop intersections are established and stop signs shall be erected as follows:
Stop Street | Direction of Traffic
Intersecting at: | Ord. No. | Date Passed
Stop Street | Direction of Traffic
Intersecting at: | Ord. No. | Date Passed
Alley | Eastbound | South Columbia | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Alley | Eastbound | South Main Street by Railroad tracks | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Alley | Northbound | East Beryl | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Alley | Northbound | East Broadway Avenue | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Alley | Northbound | James Street between Columbia and end of James | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Alley | Northbound | James Street between Main and Thomas | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Alley | Southbound | East Broadway Avenue | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Alley | Southbound | James Street between Main & Thomas | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Alley | Westbound | Blaine Street | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Alley | Westbound | Elm Street | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Alley | Westbound | South Main Street by Railroad tracks | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Bean Street | Both | Railroad tracks | 85-1 | 3-18-1985 |
Bean Street | Northbound | East State Street | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Beryl Street | Eastbound | North Main | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Beryl Street | Eastbound | Reinberg Avenue | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Beryl Street | Eastbound | Thomas Street | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Beryl Street | Westbound | North Main | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Beryl Street | Westbound | Reinberg Avenue | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Blaine Street | Northbound | East State Street | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Blaine Street | Southbound | Railroad Alley | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Boat Ramp Drive | Eastbound | South Main Street | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Broadway Avenue, East | Eastbound | Columbia Avenue | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Broadway Avenue, East | Eastbound | North Main | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Broadway Avenue, East | Westbound | Columbia Avenue | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Broadway Avenue, East | Westbound | North Main | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Broadway Avenue, West | Eastbound | Reinberg Avenue | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Broadway Avenue, West | Westbound | Reinberg Avenue | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Clarke Street | Westbound | Loomis Street | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Columbia Avenue, North | Northbound | James Street | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Columbia Avenue, North | Southbound | East State Street | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Columbia Avenue, South | Northbound | East State Street | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Crowley Street | Northbound | First Street | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Crowley Street | Northbound | Second Street | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Crowley Street | Southbound | Fifth Street | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Crowley Street | Southbound | Second Street | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Elm Street | Northbound | East State Street | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Elm Street | Northbound | Second Street | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Evergreen Lane | Eastbound | Reinberg Avenue | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Evergreen Lane | Westbound | Reinberg Avenue | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Fifth Street | Eastbound | South Main Street | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Fifth Street | Westbound | South Main Street | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
First Street | Eastbound | South Main Street | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Fourth Street | Eastbound | Crowley Street | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Fourth Street | Eastbound | Scott Street | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Fourth Street | Eastbound | South Main Street | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Fourth Street | Westbound | Crowley Street | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Fourth Street | Westbound | Scott Street | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Fourth Street | Westbound | South Main Street | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Gay Street | Northbound | Beryl Street | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Gay Street | Northbound | Broadway Avenue | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Gay Street | Northbound | Maple Avenue | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Gay Street | Southbound | Beryl Street | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Gay Street | Southbound | Broadway Avenue | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Gay Street | Southbound | Maple Avenue | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Green Street | Westbound | Elm Street | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
High Street | Southbound | East State Street | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
James Street | Eastbound | Thomas Street | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
James Street | Westbound | South Main Street | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
James Street | Westbound | Thomas Street | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Johnson Road | Eastbound | Main Street | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Johnson Road | Westbound | Main Street | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Loomis Street | Northbound | Beryl Street | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Loomis Street | Southbound | Beryl Street | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Loomis Street | Southbound | Maple Street | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Maple Avenue | Eastbound | North Main Street | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Maple Avenue | Eastbound | Reinberg Avenue | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Maple Avenue | Westbound | North Main Street | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Maple Avenue | Westbound | Reinberg Avenue | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Paul Street | Westbound | North Columbia Avenue | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Railroad Alley | Eastbound | South Columbia | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Reinberg | – | Beryl Street, SE and NW corners | 00-10 | 9-17-2001 |
Reinberg Avenue | Northbound | Broadway Avenue | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Reinberg Avenue | Northbound | Johnson Road | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Reinberg Avenue | Northbound | Maple Street | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Reinberg Avenue | Northbound | State Street | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Reinberg Avenue | Southbound | Broadway Avenue | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Reinberg Avenue | Southbound | First Street | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Reinberg Avenue | Southbound | Maple Street | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Reinberg Avenue | Southbound | State Street | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
River Park Drive | Westbound | South Main Street | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Scott Street | Northbound | First Street | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Scott Street | Northbound | Third Street | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Scott Street | Southbound | Third Street | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Second Street | Eastbound | Scott Street | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Second Street | Eastbound | South Main Street | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Second Street | Westbound | North Columbia Avenue | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Second Street | Westbound | Scott Street | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Second Street | Westbound | South Main Street | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
South Bean Road | Northbound | Railroad tracks | 11-01 | 7-18-2011 |
South Bean Road | Southbound | Railroad tracks | 11-01 | 7-18-2011 |
South Columbia | Northbound | Railroad tracks | 11-01 | 7-18-2011 |
South Columbia | Southbound | Railroad tracks | 11-01 | 7-18-2011 |
Third Street | Eastbound | Crowley Street | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Third Street | Eastbound | South Main Street | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Third Street | Westbound | Crowley Street | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Third Street | Westbound | South Main Street | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
Thomas Street | Southbound | Broadway Avenue | 80-1 | 2-18-1980 |
West Parking Lot, 2 painted stop signs | – | – | 00-09 | 11-6-2000 |
(1993 Code, Ch. 74 Sched. I) Penalty, see § 70.99