(A)   This code contains all ordinances of a general and permanent nature of the city and includes ordinances dealing with municipal administration, utilities and services, parks and public grounds, streets and sidewalks, zoning and planning, food and health, businesses and trades, building, housing, electrical, heating and plumbing regulations, police regulations and traffic regulations, and excludes ordinances granting franchises and special privileges, establishing sewer and other public improvement districts, providing for the construction of particular sewers, streets or sidewalks, or for the improvement thereof, establishing salaries or other compensation for officers or employees, and for the construction and improvement of other public works, authorizing the borrowing of money or the issuance of bonds.
   (B)   Ordinances hereafter adopted which are not of a general or permanent nature shall be numbered consecutively, authenticated, published, and recorded in the book of ordinances, but shall not be prepared for insertion in this code, nor be deemed a part thereof.
(1993 Code, § 10.02)