§ 153.043 UTILITIES.
   (A)   The installation of all electrical work, including equipment, shall in every case be done in a safe and workmanlike manner. The regulations of the current State Electric Code as enforced by the county shall be considered as good standard practice by the Zoning Administrator. Installation shall comply with the requirement of the electrical utility company servicing the area.
   (B)   The installation of all interior plumbing work shall comply with Articles I through XI, inclusive, of the State Plumbing Code.
(1993 Code, § 154.035) (Ord. 84-1, passed 1-3-1984)
§ 153.044 PARKING.
   (A)   Off-street parking. All buildings located in the city shall provide off-street parking adequate for the use intended, as specified in the Use Table of Appendix A. A parking space shall be ten feet by 20 feet or 200 square feet. Parking lots shall include aisle space of 25 feet in width if two-way, and 12 feet if one-way.
   (B)   Inoperable vehicles/unlicensed vehicles. No inoperable or unlicensed vehicle shall be parked or stored except when in a completely enclosed structure.
(1993 Code, § 154.036) (Ord. 84-1, passed 1-3-1984)
   (A)   No animals, livestock, or fowl (except chickens as authorized below), other than common household pets, shall be permitted to be used, sheltered, or stored in any residential district.
   (B)   Where animals, livestock, and fowl (except chickens as authorized below), other than common household pets, are permitted to be used, sheltered, or stored either by right, or by special use permit, or as any accessory use, all structures used for shelter and storage shall be set back a minimum of 100 feet from any front lot line or zoning district boundary.
   (C)   The keeping of chickens is permitted only on lots where the principal use is single family dwelling as per the following terms and conditions, and a permit for backyard chickens is obtained:
      (1)   The maximum number of chickens permitted per property shall be six. Roosters are prohibited.
      (2)   Chickens must be maintained in a fully enclosed, roofed structure at all times.
      (3)   The enclosure must be constructed of permanent residential building materials suited for the purpose intended, and in a manner which serves to enhance the aesthetic appearance of the neighborhood or surrounding area.
      (4)   All areas accessible to the chickens, including the coop and run, shall be contained in a single structure not to exceed 60 square feet in footprint and eight feet in height measured from the grade. The minimum run size per chicken should be eight square feet.
      (5)   The enclosure must have chicken wire or similar material embedded 12 inches into the ground around the enclosure to deter predators from digging under the enclosure wall.
      (6)   The enclosure shall be located in the yard and at least eight feet from side and rear property lines, and where public sidewalk is present at least ten feet distant from it.
      (7)   The enclosure must be maintained in a clean and orderly fashion.
      (8)   Chicken feed must be kept in vermin-proof sealed container.
      (9)   Slaughtering of chickens is not permitted.
      (10)   The applicant shall pay the fee required by the fee resolution periodically adopted by the City Commission.
(1993 Code, §154.037) (Ord. 84-1, passed 1-3-1984; Ord. 2021-09, passed 9-7-2021)
   (A)   A residentially zoned lot having its side yard abutting a commercial or industrial zoning district boundary that is located within the city may be used as a special use in accordance with the least restrictive residential district requirements for new residential structures. A transition lot cannot be construed to extend for more than 150 feet from the commercial or industrial zoning district boundary. In addition, the land may be used for offices for doctors, dentists, architects, and similar professions.
   (B)   For approval of these uses on a transitional lot, a detailed site development plan and an architectural profile of all structures to be erected shall be submitted to the Zoning Administrator to determine that site development meets the following requirements:
      (1)   Yard and area requirements of the zoning district;
      (2)   Adequate parking areas and access drives;
      (3)   Landscaping and screening to safeguard adjacent residential uses; and
      (4)   That the proposed building has a residential appearance in keeping with the character of the adjacent neighborhood.
(1993 Code, § 154.038) (Ord. 84-1, passed 1-3-1984)
   (A)   Lighting. All lighting upon any premises, regardless of zone, shall be so arranged that the lighting does not produce any glare which is a nuisance or annoyance to residents or occupants of adjoining premises or to the traveling public or public highways.
   (B)   Screening of nonresidential uses which abut transitional and residentially zoned lots. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, all premises used for business, commercial, or industrial purposes shall be screened from all abutting residential districts or uses. Screening shall be any of the following and shall apply to side yards and rear yards:
      (1)   A natural buffer ten feet wide measured at the property line and planted with evergreens or shrubbery which maintains their density and screening effect throughout the calendar year, not less than four feet in height at the time of planting and maintained in a neat and attractive manner commensurate with the adjoining residential district; or
      (2)   An artificial wall or fence of sufficient density or compactness to screen the structures and activities of the business from the view of occupants of adjoining premises, not less than five feet in height and maintained in a neat and attractive manner, commensurate with the adjoining residential district. No wall or fence shall terminate closer than ten feet from any adjoining street right-of-way line.
   (C)   Front yard screening. Unless specifically provided for elsewhere in this chapter, a front yard fence in a residential zone may not exceed a height of four feet and shall not be more than 50% solid.
   (D)   Right-of-way. It is unlawful to construct any private fence or barrier within a public right-of-way.
   (E)   Corner lot screening. In all districts, the frontage for corner lots shall follow the same limitations as provided for residential front yard screening.
   (F)   Barbed wire. Barbed wire fences are prohibited in all “R” zoning districts. Barbed wire strands may be used to enclose storage areas or other similar agricultural, industrial, and commercial uses. The strands shall be restricted to the uppermost portion of the fence and shall not extend lower than a height of six feet from the nearest ground level.
   (G)   Electric fence. It shall be unlawful to install, construct, or maintain an electric fence within a platted subdivision.
   (H)   Interpretation. In the event of any controversy as to the adequacy of any proposed or existing screening or the creation of any nuisance or annoyance by artificial lighting, the Zoning Board of Appeals shall have the right and is hereby given the authority to interpret and determine the screening and lighting provisions and the purpose herein sought to be accomplished.
(1993 Code, § 154.039) (Ord. 84-1, passed 1-3-1984) Penalty, see § 153.999