(A)   R-1, Low Density Residential. This is a single-family housing area. While all of the city is serviced with utilities, the low density status is intended to preserve and protect that character which typifies a conventional single-family neighborhood. No further subdividing of existing single-family lots shall be permitted which creates lots substandard to the minimum required lot area.
   (B)   R-2, Low/Medium Density Residential (One- and Two-Family). The character and living environment of this district is somewhat similar to the R-1 District; however, the housing density shall be slightly higher. Two alternative forms of housing are permitted:
      (1)   Single-family dwellings on smaller lots; and
      (2)   Duplex dwellings on sufficiently sized lots.
   (C)   R-3, Medium Density Residential (Multiple-Family). The R-3 District is intended for multiple-family uses and structures such as apartment buildings of three or more dwelling units, specialized housing for seven or more unrelated individuals, and senior citizen housing. Compliance with site design standards and requirements shall be required in order to safeguard against any potentially adverse impacts.
   (D)   R-4, Mobile Home Park. The Mobile Home Park District is intended for those who prefer mobile home living. Although a single-family unit, the Mobile Home Park has essentially a higher density impact than the conventional single-family development. In order not to adversely affect other areas of the city, certain land areas to be designated by the City Commission shall be deemed as appropriate for mobile home development. All site design standards and requirements shall be met.
   (E)   CBD, Central Business District.
      (1)   This district refers to the commercial pattern presently encompassing the intersection of U.S. 10 and U.S. 31, and which extends along Main Street both north and south of the intersection. Parts of U.S. 10 just east and west of the intersection are also part of the CBD.
      (2)   This district is identified as the hub of the city’s daily activity through which major traffic passes and where people shop for everyday needs. The prevailing appearance of the city as a small rural city situated at an important crossroads is dominant for this district. It is the intent of the city to promote, preserve, and protect this city character in accordance with city land use goals and policies.
      (3)   The kinds of CBD uses permitted are general, retailing, personal services, offices, and uses which are supportive of a “pedestrian scale with store windows and sidewalk shopping.”
   (F)   HC, Highway Commercial. The HC District is intended to provide limited highway oriented services to through traffic beyond the Central Business District. This highway oriented district shall be limited in scale in order not to detract from the CBD District. The kinds of uses permitted here are generally characterized as automobile oriented, and they have a high impact on through traffic in terms of access and egress into a heavily used roadway.
   (G)   I-1, Light Industrial.  
      (1)   This district is intended to include light manufacturing, assembling, and finishing activities which have minimal or no nuisance potential to the surrounding areas.
      (2)   Available for use in this district would be the “industrial park” concept. The overall character may be a combination of light industrial uses supplemented by office complexes. Local, state, and federal environmental regulations and constraints, however, would have to be observed.
   (H)   I-2, Heavy Industrial. This district is in contrast to the I-1 District and is intended to provide for heavier, more intense industrial uses which are primarily of a manufacturing, assembling, and fabricating character, including the processing of raw materials, junkyards, and specialized industrial processing which may require special sites, facilities, and services.
(1993 Code, § 154.018) (Ord. 84-1, passed 1-3-1984)