All minor or local access streets shall be a minimum of 32 feet in width, face of curb to face of curb. Streets shall be paved with bituminous concrete and have reinforced concrete curb and gutter, or as approved by the City Engineer or City Manager. Collector streets shall be a minimum of 36 feet in width, face of curb to face of curb. All alleys shall be paved, 20 feet in width. If the City Commission decides that curb and gutter streets and/or storm sewer system are not desirable in the proposed subdivision, it shall direct the proprietor to install, as a minimum, a 24-foot wide bituminous mat and adequate ditches. Plans for enclosed storm sewers and/or open ditches, curb and gutter and/or mats shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer or City Manager and all public agencies having jurisdiction, before construction is begun. All work shall be carried out under the direct supervision of the proprietor’s registered engineer. Previously dedicated but unimproved street rights-of-way or existing streets not improved as required by this subchapter for new streets, which abut or are contained in the proposed plat, shall be improved with paving and curb and gutter, or as directed by the City Commission.
(1993 Code, § 153.53) Penalty, see § 152.999