The following uses are declared to possess such characteristic of unique or special form, nature of operation, extent or limited application that each specific use shall be considered on an individual case and shall be subject to written approval by the Board of Zoning Adjustments in accordance with the provisions of this chapter:
(A) Airports and landing fields, provided further that the location, size and plans for such airport or aircraft landing field and its operational features are approved by all state or federal agencies having jurisdiction.
(B) Cemeteries, crematories, columbaria, mausoleums and animal burial grounds; provided however, that such establishment conforms to the minimum distance requirements of this chapter.
(C) The industrial-scale raising and feeding of animals, including poultry, where the industrial-scale raising and feeding of animals is the primary purpose of the operation; provided however, that the applicant meets all of the Animal Feeding Operations Surface Water Standards enacted by the Planning Commission.
(D) Disposal of garbage or refuse.
(E) Public and private sewage disposal plants.
(F) Wireless transmitting stations.
(G) Travel trailer parks and camp grounds subject to the following:
(1) The minimum park area shall be ten acres.
(2) No travel-trailer park or camp ground shall be located except within direct to an arterial highway as designated from time to time by the Scottsville-Allen County Planning Commission and with a minimum of 50 feet of frontage thereon in order to permit the proper design of entrances and exits. No entrance or exit from a travel-trailer park or camp ground shall be permitted through a residential district, and the movement of traffic from the park shall not be permitted through any such residential district.
(3) Spaces in the travel-trailer park and campground may be used by travel trailers, equivalent facilities constructed in or on automotive vehicles, or other short term housing or shelter arrangements or devices. Spaces shall be rented by the day only, and occupants of such space shall remain in the same trailer park not more than 14 consecutive days,
(4) All plumbing fixtures shall conform to appropriate Commonwealth of Kentucky Plumbing Code and health rules and regulations for recreational areas. Every application for construction, operation, maintenance and occupancy for travel-trailer parks and campgrounds shall submit a plot plan designating at a minimum all rental lots, internal streets and points to arterial highways. The plot plan shall also provide the same information as required for a development plan under these regulations.
(5) No spaces located in any part of the travel-trail parks or campgrounds shall be within 50 feet of the right-of-way line of any street or thoroughfare or within 25 feet of any adjoining public or private property.
(6) A 50-foot setback with protective screening or fencing shall be required on property boundaries adjacent to a public right-of-way. These property boundaries adjoining private property shall require a setback of 25 feet and protective fencing.
(H) Child care centers; nurseries; day care centers and kindergartens.
(I) Land farming or land spreading of any sludge or special wastes may be established and maintained in an Agricultural District as a conditional use in accordance with the following:
(1) Any conditional use permit granted shall be conditioned upon the granting and continuation of a land farming permit pursuant to 401 KAR 47:050 and shall become effective on the date the land farming permit is issued by the Kentucky Cabinet for Natural Resources and Environmental Protection.
(2) For information purposes, a copy of the permit application required by 401 KAR 47:050(2) submitted to the Kentucky Cabinet for Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, including all amendments thereto, shall be filed simultaneously with the Board of Adjustment.
(3) For informational purposes the applicant shall provide the Board of Adjustment with a copy of written notice regarding excessive cumulative concentrations of contaminates as required 401 KAR 47:050(6)(6) and a copy of any report describing corrective actions to be taken pursuant to 401 KAR 47:050(6).
(4) When a conditional use permit for land farming is revoked, notice of revocation shall be provided by letter from the Board of Adjustment to the Kentucky Cabinet for Natural Resources and Environmental Protection. A conditional use permit for land farming shall be revoked:
(a) When the applicant fails to provide copies of test result, affidavits or notices required by this subchapter to the Board of Adjustment within 60 days of the date test are taken or notice or reports are due to be sent to the Cabinet for Natural Resources and Environmental Protection;
(b) When the area cease to used as a land farming site;
(c) When the applicant’s land farming permit issued pursuant to KRS Chapter 224 and 401 KAR is revoked by the Kentucky Cabinet for Natural Resources and Environmental Protection;
(d) If the information on which the application for conditional use permit was granted is proved to be false; or
(e) Upon the occurrence of hydrological changes in the land farming site which affect the site’s capacity for removal or control of contaminates.
(5) Quarries and gravel pits; provided that any building housing power or power producing machinery or equipment shall conform to the building setback requirements of this chapter, and when adjacent to a residential or agricultural zone, shall be located so as to provide a minimum side and rear yard of 50 feet.
(Ord. 665-98, passed 12-21-1998)