(A)   The storage of fireworks, consumer fireworks, display fireworks or theatrical pyrotechnic devices at retail, wholesale, storage or manufacturing facilities shall be reported in writing to the City of Scottsville Fire Chief or his or her designee and shall comply with all of the provisions set out in KRS Chapter 227, Nation Fire Association (NFPA) 1124 (current edition) and other applicable federal and state laws with the exception that the storage of fireworks, consumer fireworks, display fireworks or theatrical pyrotechnic devices shall not be allowed within 75 feet of fuel pumps or in multiple-tenant building. All such storage shall be in stand alone permanent structures. All such stand-alone permanent structures shall have a minimum of 50 feet separation from adjacent buildings and structures.
   (B)   The storage of such fireworks shall also comply with applicable city building and fire regulations, zoning regulations and business registration requirements and the notification to the Fire Chief or his or her designee shall include a zoning verification letter and copy of the city’s business registration form. The notification shall also include a site plan showing the size of the lot, the location of the permanent structure, the setback of the structure from the right-of-way, locations of adjacent structures, including fuel pumps and other information that may be required by the Fire Chief. The notification shall include a copy of a deed to the property of a written lease from the owner or authorized agent of the owner of the property granting permission or consent to the tenant to store fireworks at that location.
(Ord. 844-21, passed 7-12-2021) Penalty, see § 94.99