§ 130.26 STUNT FLYING.
   It is hereby declared unlawful for the owner or operator of any balloon, dirigible, airplane, or other machine, apparatus, or device of any character or kind used for aerial traffic to cause or permit the same to reach a point or position in the air closer than 2,000 feet to the surface of the ground while the balloon, dirigible, airplane, machine, apparatus, or device is passing over the corporate limits of the municipality; provided, that the foregoing does not pertain to any helicopter being used by or for Memorial Hospital, Inc. business, and permission is hereby granted to allow the helicopter to land on the Memorial Hospital, Inc. grounds for the purpose of transacting the business only. No person operating any airplane or other machine, apparatus, or device of any kind or character used for aerial traffic shall loop-the-loop, indulge in tail spins, or in any manner engage in any stunt flying or carry out any maneuver more dangerous to person or property than the ordinary and proper flight of the airplane, or other machine, apparatus, or device, over the corporate limits of this municipality.
(1972 Code, § 6-337) Penalty, see § 130.99