§ 113.105 REGULATION.
   It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to sell fireworks, of any description whatsoever, other than consumer fireworks at retail as defined by Nebraska Statute; provided, that all consumer fireworks may be sold only between June 24 and July 5 and between December 28 and January 1 of each year; provided, that fireworks of any description are permissible for purposes of public exhibitions or displays as authorized by the governing body, and further provided that the vendor shall secure a license prior to the sales. Application shall be filed with the Municipal Clerk upon forms supplied by the municipality and requesting the information and documents as the governing body may deem necessary as to whether or not to grant the license. Upon the determination to grant the license, the governing body shall direct the Municipal Clerk to collect the appropriate fee and issue the license. Any license so issued may be revoked at any time by the governing body upon proper notice and hearing, if one is requested by the licensee. No fireworks shall be sold in the Dwelling District (R) of the City of Schuyler.
(1972 Code, § 10-439) (Ord. 574, passed 7-5-1977; Ord. 2010-14, passed 12-21-2010) Penalty, see § 113.999
Statutory reference:
   Explosives; fireworks; regulation, see Neb. RS 16-227