(A)   For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      TRAILER. Any vehicle without motive power designed for carrying persons or property and being pulled by motor vehicle so constructed that part of its weight rests upon the towing vehicle.
      TRUCK. A motor vehicle that is designed, used, or maintained, primarily for the transportation of property. A TRUCK also includes buses.
      TRUCK-TRACTOR. Any motor vehicle designed and used primarily for drawing other vehicles and not so constructed as to carry a load other than a part of the weight of a vehicle and load being drawn.
   (B)   It shall be unlawful for the operator of any truck, truck-tractor, or trailer with an overall length of more than 20 feet to stop, park, or unload on a street which the Governing Body has designated to be a “congested district,” unless loading, or unloading, in an alley is impossible. In that case, the vehicle may stop, stand, or unload, for a maximum time of 30 minutes.
   (C)   It shall be unlawful for the operator of any truck, truck-tractor, or trailer, regardless of length, to park any such vehicle within a street intersection, on a sidewalk, or so as to block public access to a crosswalk or a private driveway.
   (D)   Except for loading or unloading, or in the case of an emergency, no truck, truck-tractor, or trailer, carrying hazardous or flammable material may stop for any period of time in any of the following zones: RR Rural Residential, R-1 Single Family Residential, R-2 Urban Family Residential, R-3 Multi Family Residential, MH Mobile Home Residential, LC Limited Commercial and Office, and CBD Central Business District.
   (E)   No truck, truck-tractor, or trailer, in excess of 20 feet may be parked in the R-1 Single Family Residential, R-2 Urban Family Residential, R-3 Multi Family Residential, MH Mobile Home Residential, or LC Limited Commercial, except in compliance to the terms and conditions set forth in this section.
      (1)   The vehicle may be parked in the forementioned zones only if the vehicle is parked wholly on the property of the owner or driver, or parked in the street. If parked in the street, the vehicle may not encroach within 30 feet of the intersection. In addition, if parked on the street, truck, truck-tractor, and trailer may not be parked immediately adjacent to the property belonging to any other person other than the owner or the driver.
      (2)   The vehicle may not block any alley, driveway, or sidewalk.
      (3)   Once parked, the operator or owner of the vehicle may not leave a motor or engine connected with the vehicle operating except for the limited purpose of warming up the engine prior to removing the vehicle from the parked location. In no case may the motor or engine be operated for more than 30 minutes, and this operation must be done immediately prior to removing the vehicle from the aforementioned zone. The operation of motors for the heating or cooling of trailers is specifically prohibited except for a vehicle temporarily parked for loading or unloading purposes, or for emergency purposes.
      (4)   In no case may a trailer not attached to a truck or truck-tractor be parked on a city street in any of the aforementioned zones.
      (5)   The parking of such a vehicle on a city street shall in no way interfere with the use of city streets by emergency vehicles. The parking of any vehicle on a city street which any way restricts the use of a city street by emergency vehicles is prohibited.
      (6)   The permission to park vehicles as described herein is intended only as a convenience for the owner or driver of that vehicle. The owner or driver must be actively engaged in a trade or business for which the use of such a vehicle is vital. No truck, truck-tractor, or trailer, not currently actively engaged in a trade or business may be parked in one of the zones set forth in this section. The truck, truck-tractor, or trailer, must be properly licensed. Any truck, truck-tractor, or trailer, which is neither properly licensed nor actively engaged in a trade or business, shall be deemed a nuisance and shall be removed from the zone described above. ACTIVELY ENGAGED IN A TRADE OR BUSINESS means being used regularly on a weekly basis.
   (F)   It shall be unlawful for the operator or driver of any truck, truck-tractor, or trailer with a normal length of more than 20 feet to stop or park the vehicle on any property belonging to the City of Schuyler, including, but not limited to, city parks, city-owned parking lots, and property belonging to the City of Schuyler’s Department of Utilities. This prohibition specifically includes the city streets immediately under the Highway 15 viaduct traversing the Union Pacific Railroad tracks. Unless otherwise stated herein, this prohibition does not cover the parking and city streets as long as the parking is done in conformity to applicable ordinances and regulations. The vehicle may be parked on city property for necessary loading and unloading, and for emergency purposes. This provision does not apply to vehicles owned by the City of Schuyler.
(1972 Code, § 5-408) (Ord. 919, passed 3-7-2000) Penalty, see § 70.99