The following general operating requirements shall apply to all business licenses in accordance with this Chapter:
   (A)   License Posted:  The license issued pursuant to this Chapter shall be plainly displayed on the business premises.
   (B)   Gasoline Sales Restrictions:
      (1)   Sale of gasoline in portable containers prohibited.
      (2)   It shall be unlawful for any person to sell motor fuel at retail from any gasoline buggy or other vehicle equipped with a tank (the tank in which motor fuel is carried for the operation of said vehicle being excepted) having a capacity greater than five (5) gallons or containing separate container or containers in the aggregate of more than five (5) gallons.
      (3)   No motor fuels shall be dispensed at any service station except into fuel tanks of motor vehicles when such tanks are connected with the carburetion system of such vehicles; provided, however, that individual sales up to five (5) gallons may be made in metal receptacles when painted red and labeled in full conformity with the Illinois Red Can Gasoline Law; such individual sales to be limited to five (5) gallons to any one person.
   (C)   Dispensing Gasoline: Motor fuel dispensing shall be undertaken as follows:
      (1)   General Requirements for Dispensing Devices:
         (a)   All flammable liquid gauging, vending and dispensing devices shall be of substantial construction and firmly secured to concrete foundation so located and designed as to prevent motor vehicles damaging such devices.
         (b)   Systems wherein continuous pressure is maintained or water is used to displace liquid from storage tanks shall not be permitted.
         (c)   The use of aboveground storage tanks, tank cars, tank trucks or portable tanks in connection with gauging, vending and dispensing devices shall not be permitted.
         (d)   All dispensing devices shall be located so that all parts of the vehicles being served will be on private property.
         (e)   In no case shall the dispensing hose be longer than eighteen feet (18') feet for filling station and private locations.
      (2)   Leak Detectors: Every remote pumping system shall be equipped with an Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., listed leak detector valve or device located as close as possible to or within the pumping unit. An Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., listed impact check valve shall be at the base of each dispenser.
      (3)   Automatic Devices: Automatic hose nozzle, valves with latch-open devices or any automatic device shall not be permitted inside a building.
      Where dispensing equipment is used exclusively for trucks or other larger vehicles, automatic hose retrievers may be used and shall not exceed forty feet (40') of hose.
      (4)   Motor and Ignition Shut Off; Signs: No motor vehicle fuel tank shall be serviced until motor and ignition of such vehicle has been shut off. Warning signs shall be posted in a conspicuous location at each service island. Such signs shall be metal or other material designed to withstand weather and shall have a white background with the words “No Smoking” and “Turn Off Engine” in red letters a minimum of one inch (1”) high with a minimum of three-sixteenths inch (3/16”) stroke. No portion of such signs shall be any higher than eight feet (8') above ground. The mounting and location of said signs shall be subject to the approval of the Director of Community Development of the Village.
      (5)   Self-Service Dispensing Devices: The installation and use of unattended coin-operated or self-service dispensing devices for service stations and/or filling stations is prohibited except as permitted hereunder.
         (a)   A service station and/or filling station owner, or an employee or agent of such an owner, shall not permit any person who does not possess a valid driver's license to operate a self-service device.
         (b)   Self-service equipment and safety devices shall be constructed, installed and/or located as follows:
            1.   All pipes supplying flammable liquids to approved self-service dispensing devices shall be equipped with electrically operated shut-off valves.
            All controls to such valves shall be in a centrally located area remote from all dispensing devices and adequately protected from the weather and mechanical injury. The valves shall be so designed as to close automatically in case of electrical power failure.
            All electrical equipment shall be listed for use in said areas.
            2.   Each such station shall provide an attendant during those hours self-service equipment is available for use by the general public. The sole responsibility of such attendant shall be to oversee the use of such dispensing device.
            3.   Signs instructing customers concerning filling operations shall be posted in a conspicuous location at each island. Such signs shall be metal or other material designed to withstand weather and shall have a white background with words in black letters, which letters shall be a minimum of one-half inch (1/2”) high with a minimum of one-sixteenth inch (1/16”) stroke. Such signs shall contain instructions bearing the following words:
“Stop Engine”
“No Smoking”
“It is unlawful and dangerous for anyone other than the attendant to dispense gasoline into approved containers.”
“It is unlawful and dangerous for any person or persons not having a driver's license to dispense gasoline.”
Signs with directions for operation of the dispensing devices shall also be provided. No portion of such signs shall be any higher than eight feet (8') above ground. The mounting and location of said signs shall be subject to the approval of the Director of Community Development of the Village.
            4.   Automatic hose nozzle valves with latch-open devices are prohibited.
            5.   Every service station and/or filling station owner or manager shall be responsible for:
               a.   Instructions of all employees in the use of the emergency shut off controls, fire extinguishing equipment, and all other self-service dispensing equipment;
               b   Proper maintenance and operation of all safety equipment;
                  (i)   if any shut off controls are inoperative, the owner or manager shall cause the facility to close until such time as the emergency equipment is repaired and in full operating condition;
                  (ii)   if any fire-extinguishing equipment is inoperative, that portion of the facility shall be made inoperative until the equipment is restored to operating status.
   (D)   Private Filling Stations: Any person maintaining or operating any storage tank for gasoline for the use of automobiles of the owner, lessee, employees or agents of such person shall comply with all of the provisions of this Subchapter other than the requirement for the payment of a fee.
   (E)   Open Flames Prohibited: No open lights or flames shall be permitted except within a stove within the service station building.
(Ord. 02-2350, passed 7-9-02) Penalty, see § 119.999