(A) Grantee's Cable System, including its poles, lines, equipment, structures, and appurtenances shall be so located as to cause minimum interference with the proper use of Public Streets and other Public Ways and the rights and reasonable conveniences of property owners who adjoin any of said Public Streets or Public Ways. Grantee's Cable System shall not obstruct or interfere with the installation of any electric, telephone, gas, water, or sewer facilities located within the Village. The location of any portion of the Cable System as described in this Section shall be placed as to not endanger or interfere with the health, safety or lives of Persons, and shall not interfere with improvements which the Village of Schiller Park, applicable townships, Cook County, or the State of Illinois may deem proper to make.
(B) In the event that the Grantee's facilities are located in a manner which is in conflict with improvements to a Public Street or a Public Way that are planned by the Village, a Grantee shall relocate, at its own expense, such facilities to a location which does not interfere with the planned improvements.
(C) Aerial cable which is placed over streets or Public Ways, shall be hanged at a height which is in accordance with the National Electrical Safety Code as referred to herein.
(D) Underground cable shall be buried at depths of thirty-six (36) inches for coaxial trunk, or forty-eight (48) inches for fiber trunk, and twenty-four (24) inches for feeder cable, and for a Subscriber Drop, no less than six (6) inches when buried with a mechanical slit trencher or similar device in accordance with guidelines established by the National Electrical Safety Code as referred to herein.
(Ord. 01-2301, passed 12-11-01)