The Grantee shall provide to the Franchising Authority any or all of the following records as stated below and such other records as may be required in a Franchise Agreement:
   (A)   Annually, or upon request at any time, an outage tracking report showing the number of outages that have occurred over the most recent twelve (12) month period for the Franchise Area. Such report will break said outages down by the following types: power outage-related, plant damage-related, equipment failure-related, and other. Such report shall compare the current year with outages which occurred in the previous year. For the purposes of this report, an outage will be defined as an interruption affecting three (3) or more customers served off the same amplifier having a loss of at least one (1) or more Channels. The Grantee may change the definition of an outage for the purposes of this report at any time with notice to the Village of said change.
   (B)   Upon request, a report for all temporary Subscriber Drops installed, including “snow drops”, including location, the date of installation, and the date of burial.
   (C)   Upon request, a report discussing Community Programming on the Public Access Channel and any local origination programming concerning Schiller Park, its residents and institutions.
   (D)   Upon request by the Franchising Authority, Grantee shall provide the Franchising Authority with a quarterly summary of recorded complaints tendered to the Grantee. Such summary record shall include the number of recorded complaints received, an identification of the substance of the complaint, and status of resolution.
   (E)   Upon request by the Franchising Authority, the Grantee shall provide the Village with a quarterly report on telephone statistics for the call center serving the Franchise Area. Said reports shall contain the number of calls received from the call center serving the Franchise Area, and abandoned calls.
   (F)   Upon request by the Franchising Authority, the Grantee shall provide the Village with Cumulative Leakage Index (CLI) testing records, and equipment testing results in accordance with FCC technical standards.
   (G)   The Grantee shall file annually with the Franchising Authority on the anniversary date of the Franchise, the following information if the information has changed:
      (1)   A current list of all Grantee's officers and directors.
      (2)   Two (2) copies of all types of Subscriber agreements. (Copies of individual Subscriber's agreements are not to be filed with the Franchising Authority.)
      (3)   The names of the Cable System manager and engineer, or designated emergency response person and their business address and phone number and pager telephone number.
      (4)   The number of homes passed and penetration rate for the Franchise Area along with Subscriber totals for the current and previous year.
   (H)   The Franchising Authority and Grantee shall collect and disclose Subscriber information within the limitations established by Section 631 of the Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984, as now or hereafter amended, or by any successor provision.
   (I)   The Grantee may seek relief from providing reports mandated by this Chapter if the Grantee can show that the subject or subjects which address a specified problem or problems which are the focus of the report are no longer necessary to be provided due to cessation of the problem being addressed by the report.
(Ord. 01-2301, passed 12-11-01)