The purposes of this Chapter are:
(A) To enable the Village of Schiller Park to franchise and regulate cable television systems operating within its corporate boundaries.
(B) To enable the formation of municipal policies and procedures regarding cable television services and operations.
(C) To establish standards and procedures that support the immediate and future development of cable television systems within the Village of Schiller Park.
(D) To ensure that Franchise Grantees operating cable television and systems are understanding of community needs and interests, and that the community is served by Cable Systems embodying the highest quality of cable television.
(E) To protect the public welfare and public interest through the establishment of consumer protection provisions as they concern Cable System construction, maintenance, and general operation.
(F) To establish cable television as a means of encouraging communications by and between the citizens of Schiller Park, their institutions, businesses, organizations, and neighboring communities.
(G) To allow for the payment of fees and other consideration of value to the Village for the use by the Cable System operator of Village property, right-of-ways, easements, and other public lands under the control of the Village of Schiller Park by the Cable System operator, and to compensate the Village for costs directly attributable in the construction, operation and maintenance of the Cable System.
(H) To provide for remedies and ordain penalties for violations of this Chapter and for any cable televi- sion Franchises granted hereunder.
(I) To enable the regulation of rates and fees charged by a Cable System Franchise Grantee operating under the provisions of this Chapter.
(Ord. 01-2301, passed 12-11-01)