(A)   The Local Liquor Control Commissioner shall be charged with the administration within the Village of the appropriate provisions of the Liquor Control Act of the state, this chapter, such ordinances and resolutions relating to alcoholic liquor as may be enacted by the President and Board of Trustees, and of such other legislation as may become applicable within the Village with respect to the sale of alcoholic liquor.
   (B)   The Local Liquor Control Commissioner shall keep, or cause to be kept, a complete record of all alcoholic liquor licenses issued by him.
   (C)   All alcoholic liquor license fees shall be paid to the Village Clerk at the time application is approved and shall be forthwith turned over to the Village Treasurer. The fee shall be deposited by the Village Treasurer in the general corporate fund or in such other fund as may be designated by the President and Board of Trustees.
(Ord. 93-1834, passed 6-22-93)