No person operating a motor vehicle with a gross vehicle weight rating of eight thousand (8,000) pounds or more, including but not limited to a refrigerated motor vehicle or trailer, or who owns or leases the property upon which such motor vehicle or trailer is located, shall cause or allow that motor vehicle, when it is not in motion, to idle, or otherwise cause or allow the main engine or any refrigeration unit of the motor vehicle to operate when parked or standing, for more than a total of ten (10) minutes within any sixty-minute period if the motor vehicle is located in a residential area or within one hundred (100) feet of a residential area, except under the following circumstances:
   (A)   A sound wall exists between the property upon which the motor vehicle is located and the residential area.
   (B)   The motor vehicle is a school bus;
    (C)   The motor vehicle is a waste hauling vehicle;
   (D)   The motor vehicle is located at a facility operated by the Illinois Department of Transportation;
   (E)   A police, fire, ambulance, public safety, other emergency or law enforcement motor vehicle, or any motor vehicle used in an emergency capacity, idles while in an emergency or training mode and not for the convenience of the vehicle operator;
   (F)   The motor vehicle is owned or operated by a Federal, State, or local governmental entity;
   (G)   The motor vehicle is owned by an electric utility and is operated for electricity generation or hydraulic pressure to power equipment necessary in the restoration, repair, modification, or installation of electric utility service;
   (H)   The motor vehicle is owned by a public utility and operated to power equipment necessary in the restoration, repair, modification, or installation of a utility service;
   (I)   The motor vehicle idles while forced to remain motionless because of on-highway traffic, an official traffic control device or signal, or at the direction of a law enforcement official;
   (J)   The motor vehicle idles when operating defrosters, heaters, air conditioners, or other equipment solely to prevent a safety or health emergency and there is no other alternative location that is not within one hundred (100) feet of a residential area to locate the motor vehicle;
   (K)   The motor vehicle idles as part of a government inspection to verify that all equipment is in good working order, provided idling is required as part of the inspection;
   (L)   When the motor vehicle idles due to mechanical difficulties over which the operator has no control;
   (M)   An armored motor vehicle idles when a person remains inside the vehicle to guard the contents, or while the vehicle is being loaded or unloaded;
   (N)   A bus idles a maximum of fifteen (15) minutes in any sixty-minute period to maintain passenger comfort while non-driver passengers are on board;
   (O)   The motor vehicle is (i) a bus owned by a public transit authority and (ii) being operated on a designated bus route or on a street or highway between designated bus routes for the provision of public transportation; or
   (P)   When idling of the motor vehicle is required to operate auxiliary equipment for loading or unloading or construction operations between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. and there is no other alternative location that is not within one hundred (100) feet of a residential area to locate the motor vehicle, provided that this exemption does not apply when the vehicle is idling solely for cabin comfort or to operate non-essential equipment such as air conditioning, heating, microwave ovens, or televisions. A person using a motor vehicle shall not cause or allow the motor vehicle to idle for a period greater than thirty (30) minutes in any sixty-minute period to operate such auxiliary equipment for loading or unloading.
(Ord. 21-4259, passed 3-18-21)