(A) It shall be unlawful to park or store any non-motorized trailer (other than a boat trailer attached to a boat), semi-trailer, or any other equipment designed for or primarily used for carrying goods, freight, wares, merchandise or equipment on any self-service storage facility property.
(B) Outside storage of any equipment, materials or other items in completely unenclosed areas is expressly prohibited on any self-service storage facility property except for boats with or without attached boat trailers and recreational vehicles pursuant to the restrictions set forth in this Chapter. The outdoor storage of such boats and recreational vehicles may only take place within the facility's perimeter fence and at the rear of the property, behind the principal indoor storage building. Such outdoor storage shall not be elevated by any means that would cause the items stored to be visible above the perimeter fence.
(C) It shall be unlawful to store an inoperable or unlicensed boat, recreational vehicle, or motor vehicle on any portion of a self-service storage facility property except for antique vehicles that do not contain gasoline or any other liquid fuel. Such antique vehicles shall be stored only in a partially or completely enclosed area of the self-service storage facility.
(D) It shall be unlawful to store any gasoline, flammable fuel, or vehicle or equipment containing gasoline or other flammable fuel in any individual storage space, whether completely unenclosed, partially enclosed or completely enclosed. Provided however, that boats and recreational vehicles containing gasoline or other flammable fuel may be stored in completely unenclosed areas as long as the fuel tanks are free from leaks and are not otherwise in disrepair.
(E) The storage of any boat, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle containing oil in any completely enclosed area is expressly prohibited. A boat, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle containing oil may be stored in a completely unenclosed area or a partially enclosed area provided that the area contains adequate protection against oil leaks or spills on interior walls and floors.
(F) All enclosed and partially enclosed areas used for the storage of boats, recreational vehicles, or vehicles shall contain a fire extinguisher. Any gasoline, fuel, or oil spills or leaks shall be immediately cleaned up by the self-service storage facility.
(G) Any storage of boats, recreational vehicles and antique vehicles permitted by this Chapter shall be limited to boats, recreational vehicles and antique vehicles for personal use only, and no self-service storage facility shall permit the business or commercial storage of said items.
(H) Unless otherwise expressly permitted in this Chapter, the storage of hazardous materials, whether in containers, equipment or machinery, is expressly prohibited in any area of a self-service storage facility including, but not limited to, flammable liquids; flammable compressed gases; corrosive liquids, gases or other substances; highly toxic or noxious materials; oxidizing materials; highly combustible materials; volatile combustibles; explosive materials; radioactive materials; poisonous gases; explosive gases; irritant gases; materials from which poisonous fumes or explosives may result in the event of fire; materials or products which decompose by detonation; tar; and hazardous chemicals or other substances.
(I) The storage, deposit or placement of landscape materials, landscape debris, landscape waste or other greenery including, but not limited to, grass clippings, leaves, brush or loose soil, is expressly prohibited in any area of a self-service storage facility.
(J) The storage of tires is expressly prohibited in any completely unenclosed or partially enclosed area of a self-service storage facility.
(K) The owner of a self-service storage facility shall provide and maintain in good order and repair sufficient and adequate waste containers, receptacles or facilities to ensure that no litter, refuse, rubbish, garbage or other waste materials are located elsewhere on the self-service storage facility property. Litter, refuse, rubbish, garbage and other waste materials are expressly prohibited from any area of a self-service storage facility unless located in a waste container, receptacle or facility provided by the self-service storage facility. Landscape materials, landscape debris, landscape waste and other greenery shall not be deposited in any waste containers, receptacles or facilities and must be removed from the self-service storage facility property. The owner of a self-service storage facility, and the officers, directors, managers, agents, and employees thereof, shall maintain the self- service storage facility property in a clean and sanitary condition and shall promptly clean up any litter, refuse, rubbish, garbage or other waste materials located on the property.
(L) Any use other than storage, an on-site residential unit, or administrative offices or retail business activities used or conducted exclusively by employees of a self-service storage facility is expressly prohibited in any portion of a self-service storage facility, including, but not limited to, garage sales, workshops, hobby shops, wholesaling, manufacturing or commercial activities, or the conduct of retail or business activities or the day-to-day operation of a business from or within an individual storage space including any daily occupant employee activities or operations in any portion of the self-service storage facility.
(M) The servicing, dismantling, construction, renovation, or repair of boats, recreational vehicles, motor vehicles, trailers, equipment, materials, goods, supplies, or other items by or for occupants of an individual storage space including, but not limited to, the installation of lubricants, batteries, tires, or mufflers; the performance of tune-ups; tire-balancing; and the washing of such items is expressly prohibited in any portion of a self-service storage facility.
(N) Visible and durable signs shall be conspicuously posted throughout a self-service storage facility which contain the following language: "Door Shall Remain Open During Occupancy. Individual Storage Space May Not Be Used As Work Area."
(O) The running of any motorized equipment, motor vehicle engine or boat engine in any completely enclosed area or partially enclosed area is expressly prohibited. Provided, however, that an occupant may run a motor vehicle engine for the sole purpose of entry or departure from a partially enclosed area.
(P) Except for a law enforcement officer or an operator of an authorized emergency vehicle performing his or her official duties, no person driving or in charge of a motor vehicle shall permit it to stand unattended in any portion of a self-service storage facility without first stopping the engine, locking the ignition, removing the key from the ignition, effectively setting the brake thereon and, when standing upon any perceptible grade, turning the front wheels to the curb or side of the right-of-way. An unattended motor vehicle shall not include an unattended locked motor vehicle with the engine running after being started by a remote starter system.
(Q) Excessive idling shall be prohibited on any self-service storage facility property. No person using a motor vehicle shall cause or allow that motor vehicle to idle, or otherwise cause or allow the main engine of the motor vehicle to operate when parked or standing, for more than a total of ten (10) minutes within any sixty-minute period, except under the following circumstances:
(1) The motor vehicle idles while forced to remain motionless at the direction of a law enforcement official;
(2) The motor vehicle idles when operating defrosters, heaters, air conditioners, or other equipment solely to prevent a safety or health emergency;
(3) A police, fire, ambulance, public safety, other emergency or law enforcement motor vehicle or any motor vehicle used in an emergency capacity, idles while in an emergency or training mode and not for the convenience of the vehicle operator;
(4) The motor vehicle idles as part of a government inspection to verify that all equipment is in good working order, provided idling is required as part of the inspection;
(5) When then motor vehicle idles due to mechanical difficulties over which the operator has no control;
(6) The motor vehicle is owned by an electric utility and is operated for electricity generation or hydraulic pressure to power equipment necessary in the restoration, repair, modification or installation of electric utility service; or
(7) When idling of the motor vehicle is required to operate auxiliary equipment for loading or unloading or construction operations, provided that this exemption does not apply when the vehicle is idling solely for cabin comfort or to operate non-essential equipment such as air conditioning, heating, microwave ovens, or televisions. A person using a motor vehicle shall not cause or allow the motor vehicle to idle for a period greater than thirty (30) minutes in any sixty-minute period to operate such auxiliary equipment for loading or unloading.
(R) Smoking or the use of any electronic cigarette or other vapor product is prohibited throughout the entire self-service storage facility.
(S) Each individual storage space may have a single electrical light, but electrical outlets and plumbing in individual storage spaces are prohibited.
(T) It shall be unlawful to create any loud or excessive noise in connection with loading or unloading any vehicle; opening or destroying any bales, boxes, crates or containers; or any other use of a self-service storage facility. In addition, no loud music shall be played or permitted to be played on any portion of a self-service storage facility.
(U) No occupant may use a self-service storage facility for residential purposes, except for an on-site residential unit.
(V) No self-service storage facility shall be operated or permitted to be operated in such a manner as to create an unreasonable danger of nuisance to the neighborhood in which it is located or create a danger of substantial breach of the peace, riot or similar disorder. A self-service storage facility shall not be operated or permitted to be operated in such a manner as to create a hazard to the health or safety of the residents of the Village.
(W) Every owner of a self-service storage facility, and the officers, directors, managers, agents, and employees thereof, shall use reasonable care and diligence to protect property stored from loss or damage by fire, theft, burglary or other similar causes; shall keep and maintain suitable premises for such storage purposes; and shall not permit conditions to exist that could cause serious hazard to public health or safety.
(Ord. 20-4233, passed 8-6-20) Penalty, see § 118.999