(A) Temporary storage pods and temporary storage containers shall be utilized only for the storage, loading and unloading of household or business items or other tangible personal property. A temporary storage pod or temporary storage container shall not be utilized for the purpose of conducting business, selling merchandise or property, dwelling, living, habitation, camping, cooking, or recreation. It is the intent of this Chapter to limit, except as provided herein, the placement and use of any temporary storage pod or temporary storage container as an accessory building or storage building on commercial, industrial or residentially zoned land.
(B) On properties where the primary structure is identified as a single-family detached structure, townhouse, two-family dwelling structure or three-family dwelling structure, a temporary storage pod or temporary storage container may be placed, maintained or stored only upon a residential driveway or other concrete or asphalt surface approved by the Building Official or his or her designee.
(C) On properties where the primary structure is identified as anything other than a single-family detached structure, townhouse, two-family dwelling structure or three-family dwelling structure, a temporary storage pod or temporary storage container may be placed, maintained or stored only upon a parking lot constructed of a concrete or asphalt surface, provided that the placement, maintenance or storage of such container does not impede the flow of vehicular or pedestrian traffic, occupy off-street parking spaces required by this Code, or interfere with the normal operation of the permanent use on the property, and the proposed location is approved by the Building Official or his or her designee.
(D) A temporary storage pod or temporary storage container, or any portion thereof, shall not be placed, maintained or stored on or within any non-paved surface, unimproved yard, roadway, alley, parkway, other publicly-owned right-of-way, sidewalk, easement for ingress and egress, access lane or aisle, fire access lane, public utility easement, location that obstructs traffic visibility, or other location not specifically identified as acceptable within the provisions of this Chapter. A temporary storage pod or temporary storage container shall not be placed, maintained or stored in a manner that will or may interfere with Village operations including, but not limited to, snow removal, street cleaning or capital improvements.
(E) On a commercial or industrial property, a temporary storage pod or temporary storage container shall be placed at least twenty-five (25) feet from any intersection and shall be set back a minimum of three (3) feet from side and rear property lines and fifty (50) feet from front property lines.
(F) Boards shall be placed under a temporary storage pod or temporary storage container to protect the surface such container is located on. The temporary storage pod or temporary storage container user and/or permit holder shall be responsible for any damage to the public right-of-way. In the event of damage to the public right-of-way, the Director of the Bureau of Streets, Sanitation, and Water, or his or her designee, shall estimate, or cause an estimate to be made of, the cost to repair the damage, and the user and/or permit holder will be notified of the cost of repair. Failure of the user and/or permit holder to pay the cost to repair the damage within thirty (30) days of receipt of the estimate of the cost of repair shall be punishable by a fine in the amount as determined by § 89.99 of this Chapter.
(G) Only one (1) temporary storage pod or temporary storage container may be located on a property at any time. The stacking or placement of any items on top of or around any temporary storage pod or temporary storage container shall be strictly prohibited.
(H) A temporary storage pod or temporary storage container placed, maintained or stored on a residential property shall not exceed eight (8) feet in height and one hundred thirty (130) square feet in size. A temporary storage pod or temporary storage container placed, maintained or stored on a commercial or industrial property shall not exceed eight (8) feet in height and three hundred (300) square feet in size.
(I) A temporary storage pod or temporary storage container shall be painted and in good condition and appearance, with no structural damage, holes in the container that would allow leaks, visible rust, or other forms of visible deterioration; capable of being moved intact; free of vermin or other pests; and free of graffiti or advertising other than the name, address and telephone number of the person or entity engaged in the business of renting or otherwise placing the temporary storage pod or temporary storage container. A temporary storage pod or temporary storage container shall not be placed, maintained or stored in such a manner as to create a risk of injury to persons or damage to property.
(J) A temporary storage pod or temporary storage container shall not be placed, maintained or stored on a residential property for more than fifteen (15) consecutive days. No person, firm, corporation or other entity shall place, maintain or store such a container upon their property for more than two (2) such fifteen (15) day periods per calendar year.
(K) A temporary storage pod or temporary storage container shall not be placed, maintained or stored on a commercial or industrial property for more than fifteen (15) consecutive days. No person, firm, corporation or other entity shall place, maintain or store such a container upon their property for more than two (2) such fifteen (15) day periods per calendar year.
(L) Any person. firm, corporation or other entity desiring to use a temporary storage pod or temporary storage container shall apply for and obtain a permit from the Building Official or his or her designee prior to the placement, maintenance or storage of said temporary storage pod or temporary storage container on any property in the Village. An applicant for a permit shall complete an application on a form to be determined by the Village. The permit fee shall be $50.
(M) A temporary storage pod or temporary storage container shall not be used to store personal or business property of a toxic, flammable, hazardous or offensive nature.
(N) A temporary storage pod or temporary storage container shall be kept locked and secured against unauthorized entry when not being loaded or unloaded.
(O) A temporary storage pod or temporary storage container required with a valid and active building permit is exempt from the time restriction regulations set forth in subsections (J) and (K) of this Section unless work associated with the permit has ceased for a period of fourteen (14) days.
(Ord. 20-4202, passed 1-16-20)