For the purposes of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
SHORT TERM RENTAL UNIT. All or part of a residential principal structure or residential dwelling unit located in a residential zoning district, being leased, rented, loaned, offered for rent, hired out, licensed, or otherwise let as an accessory use or occupancy to a person or persons other than the owner of the subject property or a family member of the owner thereof, whether or not the permission of such occupancy is in exchange for consideration therefor, for a period or term that is less than thirty (30) consecutive days. The term “short term rental unit” shall also include a dwelling unit, temporary structure, or accessory structure, or part thereof, used for overnight accommodation that is available for rent by transient guests for a period or term that is less than thirty (30) consecutive days. The term “short term rental unit” shall not include a hotel or motel located in a commercial zoning district licensed by the Village.
(Ord. 18-4109, passed 12-20-18)