§ 96.142 INTENT.
   In enacting this Division, the Village intends to exercise its authority over the rights-of-way in the Village and, in particular, the use of Village-owned land and the public ways and property by utilities and others, by establishing uniform standards to address issues presented by utility facilities and the public including but not limited to:
   (A)   Preventing interference with the use of streets, sidewalks, alleys, parkways and other public ways and places;
   (B)   Preventing the creation of visual and physical obstructions and other conditions that are hazardous to vehicular and pedestrian traffic;
   (C)   Preventing interference with the facilities and operations of the Village and of utilities lawfully located in rights-of-way or public property;
   (D)   Protecting against environmental damage, including damage to trees, from the installation of utility facilities;
   (E)   Protecting against increased stormwater run-off due to structures and materials that increase impermeable surfaces;
   (F)   Preserving the character of the neighborhoods in which facilities are installed;
   (G)   Preserving open space, particularly the tree-lined parkways that characterize the Village's residential neighborhoods;
   (H)   Preventing visual blight from the proliferation of facilities in the rights-of-way; and
   (I)   Assuring the continued safe use and enjoyment of private properties adjacent to utility facilities locations.
(Ord. 07-2651, passed 11-13-07)