(A)   Generally. All applications for the permit required by § 52.15 shall be accompanied by the payment of the applicable fee prescribed in the following schedule, and no such connection shall be made until the fee has been paid:
      (1)   For a six-inch pipe connection, $275.
      (2)   For an eight-inch pipe connection, $400.
   (B)   Oversize connections. No permit for the connection of a sewer pipe in excess of eight inches shall be issued except upon the approval of the Village President and Board of Trustees and upon the payment of the fee as the Village President and Board of Trustees shall determine.
   (C)   Subdivision master connections. Where an area is not served by sewers and the subdivider thereof is required to install sewers to serve the area, the builder or subdivider shall pay to the Village a master connection fee in an amount equal to the sum of $25 per building site.
   (D)   Local improvement sewer connections.
      (1)   No fee for a permit to connect with a sewer shall be required to be paid where the sewer to which permission is requested to connect has been constructed and installed by the Village, pursuant to the provisions of ILCS Ch. 65, Act 5, § 9-1-1 and the certificate of final completion of the sewer has been filed not less than one year before the date of the application for a permit to connect to the sewer.
      (2)   All the connections shall be made under the supervision of the Superintendent of Sewers and Water or persons designated by the Superintendent and no connection shall be covered until the work has been inspected and approved by the Superintendent.
   (E)   Street openings. In addition to the above fees, where it is necessary to open a public street or alley in order to make such a connection, the applicant shall pay an additional fee of $150 if the street or alley required to be opened is paved or sealed or an additional fee of $50 if the street required to be opened is not paved or sealed to cover the cost of repairing and installing the street or alley surfacing.
      (1)   All open cuts in streets or alleys shall be backfilled with sand or screenings and the surface of the street or alley shall be repaired and installed to its original condition.
      (2)   Where a building or contractor is permitted to backfill and repair a street or alley opening and the repairs are completed to the satisfaction of the Village, the street opening fee shall be refunded to the contractor or builder, as the case may be, provided, in order to allow sufficient time for the Village to determine the repairs have been made properly, no such fee shall be refunded sooner than six months after the completion of the repairs.
      (3)   The Superintendent shall determine, according to standard engineering practices, whether a connection may be made by auguring under the surface of a street or alley or whether the opening of a street or alley is required for the connection.
('73 Code, § 32-19)