§ 51.85 VEHICLES.
   Any vehicle used by a person, firm or corporation in the business of recycling shall comply with all applicable statutes of the state of Illinois and Village ordinances and it shall be unlawful for any said vehicle to be driven over or through any street or alley in the Village on Sunday.
(Ord. 91-1786, passed 10-24-91)
   (A)   Requirement. The owners of residential properties upon which a building containing four or more dwelling units is located shall be required to institute an on-site recycling program on or before March 1, 1995.
      (1)   The owners of such properties may contract for recycling and refuse services with a private scavenger, duly licensed by the Village.
      (2)   The owners of such property shall be billed for recycling and refuse services directly by the private scavenger.
   (B)   Components. An acceptable recycling program shall include but is not limited to the following components:
      (1)   Siting and design of common area collection areas for recyclable materials;
      (2)   Recyclable materials collection;
      (3)   Provision of common area recycling containers;
      (4)   Data collection and reporting;
      (5)   Educational campaign and materials; and
      (6)   Recycling program administration and maintenance.
   (C)   Specific requirements.
      (1)   Recycling collection areas for residents shall be conveniently located and maintained within common areas in or near the buildings and consist of separate containers for the purposes of temporary storage of recyclables. Whenever possible, recycling containers should be placed adjacent to common area solid waste collection containers.
      (2)   Indoor common area collection/storage areas shall be established in accordance with appropriate Village fire and/or safety codes.
      (3)   Exterior recyclables storage areas shall be established in accordance with Village requirements for solid waste enclosures.
      (4)   The property owner shall maintain all recycling areas, including the containers, in a clean, sanitary, and litter-free manner.
      (5)   As a condition of receiving, renewing, and maintaining a scavenger license to collect solid waste, compostable material, and/or recyclable material from all residential properties upon which a building containing four or more dwelling units within the Village, each licensee shall:
         (a)   Obtain all permits and licenses required by federal, state, and county laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations and maintain the same in full force and effect.
         (b)   Submit to the Village a list of such buildings it serves within the Village's jurisdiction.
         (c)   Provide collection and recycling services for any such property owner that requests such services in accordance with this section.
         (d)   Submit a quarterly report to both the owner(s) of all such buildings or their designee and the Village and/or its designee containing the following information:
            1.   Total weight or volume of refuse collected from all such buildings it serves within the Village;
            2.   Total weight or volume of yard waste collected from all such buildings it serves within the Village;
            3.   Total weight or volume of recyclable materials collected from all such buildings it serves within the Village; and
            4.   A summary of recycling services provided to each such building, to be submitted only on an annual basis with the fourth quarter report.
         (e)   Submitted quarterly reports to the owners of such buildings pertaining to that property's activity.
         (f)   Submitted quarterly reports to the Village containing aggregate totals concerning the information listed above for all such buildings the licensed private scavenger serves within the Village's jurisdiction, which reports shall be due no later than 15 days after the close of each quarter. Quarters are defined as follows:
            1.    First quarter: January 1 through March 31.
            2.    Second quarter: April 1 through June 30.
            3.    Third quarter: July 1 through September 30.
            4.    Fourth quarter: October 1 through December 31.
      (6)   The Village shall have the right to inspect and examine the licensed private scavenger's records pertaining to the collection and disposal or processing of refuse and recyclables upon request and with reasonable notice.
      (7)   The Village shall further have the right to require the reporting of other data or information relative to the recycling program from time to time. Reports shall follow the format prescribed by the Village.
      (8)   Failure to submit any required report to the Village shall be grounds for revocation of the business license and/or franchise agreement until such time as the licensed private scavenger or franchised hauler complies with the requirements set forth in this section.
(Ord. 94-1889, passed 9-27-94)
§ 51.99 PENALTY.
   Whoever violates any provision of this chapter shall be fined an amount not less than $100 nor more than $500 or be imprisoned in the county jail for a period of not exceeding six months or be both so fined and imprisoned. Each day such violation is committed or permitted to continue shall constitute a separate offense and shall be punishable as such hereunder.
(‘73 Code, § 15-27) (Ord. 86-1621, passed 6-19-86; Am. Ord. 91-1786, passed 10-24-91; Am. Ord. 00-2248, passed 9-12-00)