(A)   The Village President, by and with the consent and approval of the Village Board of Trustees, may appoint a committee to be designated as the Awards Committee, consisting of not fewer than five nor more than seven members who broadly represent all segments of the Village.
   (B)   The Committee shall meet at least annually and also at the call of the duly appointed Chairman for the purpose of considering nominees for various awards.
   (C)   A vote of 3/4 of all members of the committee attending the meeting shall be necessary for qualification for an award. The recommendation of the Committee shall be forwarded to the President and Board for consideration and presentation as hereinafter provided.
   (D)   In exceptional instances, a cash award of $100 also may be given to the recipient of one of the awards identified in § 34.003.
('73 Code, § 2-262) (Ord. 75-1125, passed 2-20-75; Am. Ord. 81-1444, passed 4-16-81; Am. Ord. 83-1524, passed 11-17-83)