(A)   Fleet license; Defined. Each owner of twenty-five (25) or more motor vehicles, as provided on the annual listing from the Illinois department of motor vehicles or from the Illinois secretary of state’s office procured by the Village during the six (6) month period immediately preceding the commencement of the license year, may apply for a fleet license covering each owned vehicle collectively on application forms as provided by the Village Finance Director.
   (B)   Fleet license fee.
      (1)   Fee. The fee for the issuance of a fleet license, including a fleet license certificate and fleet license tags equal in number to the number of motor vehicles within the fleet, shall equal the sum of the license fees for each of the vehicles within the fleet in accord with the fees as established pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
      (2)   Certificate issued. A certificate of a fleet license shall issue listing the vehicle identification number of the vehicles included within the fleet as of the commencement of the license year. A duplicate certificate of the fleet license shall be retained in the files of the Village Finance Director.
      (3)   Transfer or addition of motor vehicles.
         (a)   During the license year, the fleet owner shall notify by written correspondence, the Village Finance Director, when any motor vehicle included within the fleet is removed from ownership or otherwise from inclusion within the licensing authority under this chapter and, in the event that a new motor vehicle replaces the withdrawn motor vehicle, advising the Village Finance Director of the vehicle identification number of any such new motor vehicle.
         (b)   No fee shall be charged for the transfer or periodic addition of motor vehicles to be included within the fleet license so long as the number of vehicles is not in excess of the number of vehicles at the commencement of the license year.
         (c)   The number of motor vehicles included within the fleet license may be expanded during the license year by the payment of additional license fees for each additional vehicle. The fleet licensee shall notify the Village of each motor vehicle exchange, transfer, withdrawal or addition within ten (10) days of each such occurrence.
         (d)   In the event that the owner fails to notify the Village as required herein with respect to any additional motor vehicle other than as listed within the original fleet license, such vehicle shall be deemed to have been acquired outside of the fleet license provision; and the owner shall be liable for the payment of the license fee and any late payment fees as provided within this chapter.
         (e)   The Village Finance Director's office shall compare the listed vehicles from the department of motor vehicles or from the secretary of state for the next following license year with that of the preceding license year to determine any failures on the part of a fleet license holder to notify the Village as required herein and shall invoice the fleet licensee for all motor vehicles for which proper and timely notification did not issue to the Village. Such charges shall be in addition to the annual license for the following license year.
      (4)   Display of fleet license. The fleet licensee shall not be required to display an individual vehicle license tag on each vehicle within the fleet. Any person that houses any vehicle not properly included within the fleet license shall be fined not less than four hundred dollars ($400.00) upon conviction for each vehicle fleet housed improperly and without notice to the Village.
      (5)   Inspection. The Village Finance Director, or any person certified by him as his deputy or representative, may enter the premises of any Fleet License Holder for inspection and examination of said premises for the proper administration of this subchapter and enforcement of the collection of the fee imposed. It is unlawful for any person to prevent, hinder or interfere with the Village Finance Director or his duly authorized deputy or representative in the discharge of his duties in the enforcement of this subchapter and violators of this subsection will be subject to fines.
(Ord. 16-3069, passed 10-20-16)