(A) Solicitation of charitable contributions on highways within the Village shall be permitted; provided, however, that all such activity shall be conducted in strict conformity with and shall be limited to that activity permitted under the provisions of the Illinois Vehicle Code paragraph 5/11-1006(c) and this code.
Solicitation of charitable contributions on highways within the Village shall be allowed only at intersections where all traffic is required to come to a full stop by a traffic light. The soliciting agency shall be:
(1) Registered with the Illinois Attorney General as a charitable organization; and
(2) Liable for any injuries to persons or property during the solicitation, which is causally related to an act of ordinary negligence of the soliciting agent.
(B) Age Requirement: Any person engaged in solicitation of charitable contributions on highways shall be sixteen (16) years of age or over and shall be wearing a high visibility vest.
(C) Time Limit: There shall be no solicitation of charitable contributions on highways within the Village at the same location or for the same group or organization on whose behalf the solicitation is being conducted, for more than three (3) consecutive days per fundraising activity. Only one (1) group or organization shall be allowed to solicit at any one intersection on a given day. Every group or organization shall only have three (3) fundraising activities in one (1) calendar year.
(D) Insurance Coverage: No soliciting group or organization shall be permitted to solicit charitable contributions on highways unless and until the solicitor provides proof to the Village of general liability insurance coverage, from an insurance company licensed to do business in the State of Illinois, naming the Village as well as its respective agents, officers and employees, as additional party insured.
(Ord. 12-2890, passed 4-24-12)