Sec. 8-67 Illegally Parked or Abandoned Vehicles. 18
   Any motor vehicle found upon the streets or highways within the Town of Schererville, Indiana, illegally parked or reasonably appearing to be abandoned may be removed from said street or highway, under the direction of the Police Department, and be impounded in one of the garages in the town, or in a privately owned garage, as designated by the Chief of Police. A notice shall be mailed by the Schererville Police Department by registered mail to the registered owner forthwith. If the car is not claimed within thirty (30) days, the vehicle shall be sold or disposed of pursuant to state law.
(Schererville Town Code, § 8-15-16)



   I.C., §§ 9-22-1-1 through 9-22-1-32, address "abandoned motor vehicles".