(A)   No parking zones.
      (1)   For the purposes of this chapter, STREET is defined as the entire strip of land traversed by a highway or road in which the public owns the fee title or an easement for roadway purposes. VEHICLE means every device in, upon, or by which any person or property is or may be transported or drawn upon a highway, excepting devices used exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks.
      (2)   It shall be unlawful for any person or organization to cause, allow, permit, or suffer any vehicle to be parked on the streets located within the city in areas designated and posted accordingly as no parking zones.
   (B)   Designated no parking zones. The following streets are designated as no parking zones and subject to the regulation of this schedule. Additional streets may be designated by the City Council through an amending ordinance.
185th Street North
An area 300 feet west from Langley Avenue North
188th Street North
An area on the north side of the street consisting of 1,400 feet west of Norell Avenue, and an area on the south side of the street consisting of 900 feet west of Norell Avenue
205th Street North
An area on the south side from the Soo Line Railroad tracks to the Log House Landing boat launch parking area
209th Street North
An area on both sides of the street between Olinda Trail and Oakhill Drive
238th Street North
An area on both sides of the street 1,300 feet east from Lofton Avenue North
Lake Lane
An area on both sides of the street from Lofton Court to Bone Lake
Langley Avenue North
From 185th Street North to Langley Court North
Log House Landing
The area on the west side of platted Otis Street
Meadowbrook Avenue North
An area on both sides of the street north from State Trunk Highway 97
Mayberry Avenue North
An area 500 feet east and 500 feet west from the Department of Natural Resources boat ramp
Melanie Avenue North
An area on both sides of the street 1,000 feet south from 238th Street North
Norell Avenue
An area on both sides of the street 150 feet south of 188th Street North
   (C)   Snow and ice removal. Between November 1 and April 30 of each year, on-street parking shall be permitted in the city if the on-street parking does not interfere with the removal of snow or ice from city streets. If a parked vehicle interferes with the removal of snow or ice from a city street, the vehicle shall immediately be removed from the street by its owner. It shall be unlawful to park on any city street when on-street parking interferes with the removal of snow or ice until the snow removal operation is complete on the city street. If a motor vehicle is determined to be in violation of this section, the city is authorized to issue a citation and cause the motor vehicle to be removed at the owner’s expense.
   (D)   Unobstructed width. No person shall stop, park, or leave standing any vehicle, whether attended or unattended upon the paved or improved or main traveled part of any street, road, or byway located within the city when it is practical to stop, park, or so leave a vehicle off the part of the street, road, or byway, but in every event a clear and unobstructed width of at least 20 feet of the part of the highway opposite the standing vehicle shall be left for the free passage of other vehicles and a clear view of the stopped vehicle shall be available from a distance of 200 feet in each direction upon the street.
   (E)   Recreational vehicles. Recreation vehicles, as defined in Ch. 1, § 4 of the Development Code, may not be parked on any public street for more than a period of 24 consecutive hours.
   (F)   Parking near mailboxes. No vehicle shall be left standing or parked on any street of the city within 15 feet of any mailbox, except on a Sunday.
   (G)   Driveways. All new driveways providing ingress and egress to a parcel that abut a public street maintained by the city shall require a permit. All the permits shall be evaluated by the city and processed pursuant to the ordinance codified herein, the Development Code, and the policies provided for in § 151.46.
   (F)   Penalty. Any person violating any provision of this chapter shall be guilty of a petty misdemeanor and shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished according to law. When any police officer finds a vehicle unattended upon any street or road, where the vehicle constitutes an obstruction to traffic, the officer is authorized to provide for the removal of the vehicle at the owner’s expense.
(Ord. 204, passed 12-18-2018)