(A)   Declaration of nuisance. Any motor vehicle described in this section shall constitute a hazard to the health and welfare of the residents of the community as such vehicles can harbor noxious diseases, furnish a shelter and breeding ground for vermin, and present physical danger to the safety and well-being of children and citizens. Motor vehicles also contain various fluids which, if released into the environment, can and do cause significant health risks to the community.
   (B)   Prohibition. It shall be unlawful to keep, park, store, abandon or permit keeping, parking, storing, or abandoning any motor vehicle that is not in operating condition, partially dismantled, or which is not properly licensed for operation within the state. This section shall apply to public lands, streets or alleys, and private lands.
   (C)   Exception. This section does not apply to a motor vehicle enclosed in a building or kept out of view from any street, road, sidewalk, or alley.
(Ord. 21-03, passed 11-16-2021)