The board of park commissioners shall act in an advisory capacity to the mayor and council in connection with the care, management and control of all parks and grounds used for park purposes, all boulevards and parkways, now or hereafter owned by or under the control of the city. The board shall advise with, and suggest to, the mayor and council methods of improving and adorning parks, boulevards and parkways. The board shall have power to make and alter, from time to time, necessary rules and regulations for the maintenance of order, safety and decency in the parks, both within and without the limits of the city; provided, that no such rules or regulations shall be of any effect unless they shall have been first approved by the city council. For the purpose of enforcing such rules and regulations, all such parks and property within or without the limits of the city are hereby placed under the police jurisdiction of the city. Any member of the police department may arrest, without warrant, in any such parks or places, whether within or without the limits of the city, any person who has broken any park rule or committed any violation of such rules or the ordinances of the city in the park, and the municipal court of the city shall have jurisdiction of all such violations committed within the limits of the parks. (1989 Code § 11-105)