Obstructions in required yards shall be permitted in accordance with the following:
   (A)   In all yards:
      1.   Awnings and canopies, projecting into a yard not more than twenty five percent (25%) of the depth or width of the yard;
      2.   Chimneys projecting twenty four inches (24") or less into the yard;
      3.   Flagpoles;
      4.   Ordinary projections of sills, belt courses, cornices and ornamental features projecting not more than eighteen inches (18") into a yard;
      5.   Ornamental light standards;
      6.   Steps which are necessary for access to permitted buildings or for access to lots from streets, and required exterior fire escapes; and
      7.   Trees, shrubs and flowers including flower boxes and urns. (1977 Code)
   (B)   In front yards and side yards abutting a street:
      1.   Fuel pumps and air and water outlets in conjunction with automobile service stations, provided they shall be set back at least fifteen feet (15') from the front lot line;
      2.   One-story bay windows projecting three feet (3') or less into the yard;
      3.   Open off street parking spaces in B-1, B-2, and M districts;
      4.   Overhanging eaves and gutters, projecting not more than twenty five percent (25%) of the depth of the yard;
      5.   Signs and nameplates as regulated in other applicable codes of the city; and
      6.   Balconies and open porches may project a maximum of ten feet (10').
   (C)   In rear yards:
      1.   Air conditioning condensers for central air conditioning units, provided location conforms with other applicable ordinances and codes of the city;
      2.   Arbors and trellises;
      3.   Balconies may project a maximum of ten feet (10');
      4.   Open porches may project a maximum of ten feet (10');
      5.   Enclosed off street parking spaces, attached or detached, provided such accessory building shall not cover more than thirty percent (30%) of the required area of a rear yard;
      6.   Fallout shelters, attached or detached;
      7.   One-story bay windows projecting three feet (3') or less into the yard;
      8.   Open off street parking and off street loading spaces as herein regulated;
      9.   Outdoor fireplaces; birdbath and other lawn furniture either temporarily or permanently affixed to the ground;
      10.   Overhanging roof eaves and gutters, provided eaves and gutters of detached accessory buildings are not less than two feet (2') from a lot line;
      11.   Playground and laundry drying equipment;
      12.   Sheds, toolrooms, or similar buildings customarily accessory to the principal use;
      13.   Tennis courts, private. (Ord. 1849, 8-22-2006)
   (D)   In interior side yards:
      1.   Open off street parking spaces;
      2.   Overhanging eaves and gutters projecting twenty four inches (24") or less into the yard. (1977 Code)