(A)   Accessory uses shall be permitted with all permitted and conditional uses as allowed in the various zoning districts.
   (B)   Accessory uses shall be compatible with the principal use and shall not be established prior to the establishment of the principal use, and shall not include the keeping, propagation, or culture of pigeons, poultry, rabbits, bees, or livestock, whether or not for profit.
   (C)   Radio or television poles or towers and antennas, attached or detached, not more than thirty five feet (35') in height aboveground shall be permitted as accessory structures on lots in any district. (1977 Code)
   (D)   Except as otherwise regulated herein, an accessory building hereafter erected, altered, enlarged or moved on a lot shall conform with the following: (Ord. 2097, 6-24-2014)
      1.   Proximity To Principal Building: A detached accessory building shall not be nearer than ten feet (10') from the nearest wall of the principal building.
      2.   Attached Accessory Building Setbacks: An accessory building attached to the principal building shall adhere to the required setbacks for the zoning district in which the building is located.
      3.   Detached Accessory Building Setbacks; Exceptions: A detached accessory building shall adhere to the front yard, side yard, and side yard abutting a street setback for the district in which it is located and be not less than five feet (5') from the rear lot line, except:
         (a)   On corner lots, the building should not be closer to the rear lot line than the required interior side yard setback for the district in which the building is located.
         (b)   On through lots, not less than the distance required for a front yard setback for the district in which the building is located from the rear lot line adjoining a street; and
         (c)   An accessory building having vehicular access from an alley, shall be set back not less than ten feet (10') from the lot line abutting the alley. (Ord. 2014, 7-10-2012)
      4.   Location Of Propane Tanks: Propane tanks larger than one hundred twenty five (125) gallon water pounds must be located outside, in the rear yard at least ten feet (10') away from all principal structures and at least ten feet (10') from the rear lot line. On a through lot, the rear yard shall be the yard most opposite the street having the residence address.
         (a)   Foundations: Propane tanks shall rest on either a concrete, asphalt, masonry or equal quality surface.
         (b)   Screening: All propane tanks shall be properly screened from the view of adjacent properties by a fence, wall or hedge.
         (c)   Maintenance: Propane tanks shall be properly maintained to assure safe operation. The ground below and around the tank shall be kept clear of grass and weeds. (Ord. 2097, 6-24-2014)
   (E)   A detached accessory building shall not exceed eighteen feet (18') in height. The maximum height may be increased as long as all setbacks are increased by one foot (1') for each additional foot of height exceeding eighteen feet (18').
   (F)   The footprint of a detached accessory building on lots smaller than one acre shall not exceed the ground floor area of the principal building. The footprint may be increased by one-half (1/2) the ground floor area of the principal building for lots having an area of one acre, with an additional increase of one-half (1/2) the ground floor area of the principal building for each additional acre. (Ord. 2014, 7-10-2012)