Any owner and/or occupant of real estate, buildings or premises may make application to the superintendent of public works to repair and/or replace the defective portions of the public sidewalk. Said application shall set forth the name of the applicant, the address location, the length and width of the public sidewalk proposed to be repaired or replaced and such additional information as may be needed for proper guidance of city officials.
It shall be the responsibility of the superintendent of public works after receiving such application to conduct an inspection to consider said application.
Upon approval of an application, the superintendent of public works shall cause the removal of the portions of defective sidewalk, supply any backfill materials that may be required and process a purchase order for the cement materials. The total costs for cement materials shall not exceed budgetary limitations as approved by the mayor and city council.
It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to complete the reconstruction of the sidewalk in accordance with the Illinois department of transportation's "Standard Specifications For Road And Bridge Construction", current edition, except that the concrete mix shall have a compressive minimum strength of not less than four thousand (4,000) pounds per square inch. (Ord. 1856, 11-14-2006)