No person shall construct, install, operate or use an outdoor wood burning furnace, unless it complies with the following:
   (A)   Installation of the outdoor wood burning furnace is not less than two hundred feet (200') from the nearest residence not serviced by the outdoor wood burning furnace;
   (B)   Installation of the chimney of the outdoor wood burning furnace is less than fifty five feet (55') in height but taller than the height of the roof peaks of the residences located within two hundred feet (200') of the outdoor wood burning furnace;
   (C)   Installation and operation of the outdoor wood burning furnace must be in accordance with the manufacturer's written instructions, provided such instructions do not conflict with the provisions of this section;
   (D)   An inspection of the furnace has been performed by the city and a permit for its use issued;
   (E)   Burning of household waste and the like is prohibited. (Ord. 1864, 1-9-2007)