(A)   The City Manager shall have authority to approve change orders for public projects previously awarded by the City Manager, provided that change orders aggregated with the original contract do not exceed the dollar limits for award by the City Manager in this chapter, subject to an unencumbered appropriation in the fund against which such expenditure is to be charged.
   (B)   During the award of a contract by the City Council, the City Council may give the City Manager the authority to approve change orders, specific to that contract, based on either a percentage of the contract or a specific dollar amount. If no specific authority is given by the City Council, the City Manager may approve change orders for a City Council awarded contract subject to the dollar limits for award by the City Manager in this chapter, provided such change orders are within the approved contingency.
   (C)   Change orders in excess of the City Manager's authority may be approved by the City Manager and submitted to City Council for ratification under the following circumstance:
      (1)   The failure to immediately issue a change order may result in significant project cost increases or an unacceptable project delay due to work stoppage or other inefficiencies;
      (2)   A special meeting or a regularly scheduled meeting of the City Council is not scheduled within a reasonable period of time to sufficiently remedy the problem; and
      (3)   Funding for the change order is currently available within the appropriated budget.
(Ord. 1303, passed 9-16-20)