(A)   Upon approval of a military equipment policy, the Chief of Police or his/her authorized designee will submit a military equipment report to the governing body for each type of military equipment approved within one year of approval, and annually thereafter for as long as the military equipment is available for use (see Cal. Gov't Code § 7072).
   (B)   The annual military equipment report shall, at a minimum, include the following information for the immediately preceding calendar year for each type of military equipment:
      (1)   A summary of how the military equipment was used and the purpose of its use.
      (2)   A summary of any complaints or concerns received concerning the military equipment.
      (3)   The results of any internal audits, any information about violations of the military equipment use policy, and any actions taken in response.
      (4)   The total annual cost for each type of military equipment, including acquisition, personnel, training, transportation, maintenance, storage, upgrade, and other ongoing costs, and from what source funds will be provided for the military equipment in the calendar year following submission of the annual military equipment report.
      (5)   The quantity possessed for each type of military equipment.
      (6)   If the law enforcement agency intends to acquire additional military equipment in the next year, the quantity sought for each type of military equipment.
   (C)   The Chief of Police or his/her authorized designee shall also make each annual military equipment report publicly available on the Department's website for as long as the military equipment is available for use. The report shall include all information required by Cal. Gov't Code § 7072 for the preceding calendar year for each type of military equipment in department inventory.
(Ord. 1315, passed 4-20-22)